Scrolls on Shields

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"If your scroll is attached to a weapon or shield, you may not be swinging it while reading the scroll."

So if I have templar-tucked my sword and am reading a scroll off of the back of my shield, does that mean that swings that hit the shield count as hits?
Yes. Read fast.
Good to know! Thank you.
I do not agree. If the intention is that reading scrolls on shield backs prevents the shield from being a valid blocking implement entirely, it should say that expressly. I read this as a requirement to hold still while reading. After all, it is certainly not true that reading a scroll NOT attached to a shield causes your shield to be useless.
So "Intention" versus "Rules as Written" ends with check your Chapter Owner/Head of Rules... Done.

Yeah. To be honest, I kinda hate that people can use shields for scrolls. Or bows. Or swords.

But yeah, you can do it, and no, it shouldn't cause the shield to no longer be a shield.
I feel that using a shield for scrolls is appropriate, i mean you can attach vials and pouches to them, why not scrolls? As for swords/bows, i completely understand not using scrolls on them, because they are being moved about much more and you would be touching them with your off hand while hitting/being hit.
This appears to be a grey area, but for what it's worth, the intent as it reads to me is that if you're actively swinging your weapon or blocking with your shield, then you're not keeping the scroll steady enough to read it, and thus can't cast it. The passage is part of being able to see the scroll. If the scroll was attached to the top of your thigh and you're running, I'd rule the same thing ~ it's not in a readable position. Your legs still work, the shield still works, and you're weapons still work, but if you're moving them all higgeldy piggeldy due to combat, attached scrolls are therefore unreadable.
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