Searching for Spruce


While in the Blood Islands this last Marketday I met and spoke with a very nice gentleman who calls himself Spruce and is a courier on the main island. Spruce - if this reaches you, I would like to meet again, either on your island or, if you choose to accept the invitation that was given, in Horn's End. I would like to talk more about our mutual acquaintance if you don't mind. Should you travel to Horn's End, this would give you a chance to check out the area and the people. I would enjoy talking with you more over a cup of brew in our local tavern.

~Naie a Kassill~
I as well, Spruce, I as well. You were a great help to us, mister and I'd like to buy you a drink. If you need anything at all, my hospitality is yours.

I umm...well that is... I am coming to the mainland. Not sure about all this hospiltailty, Blood Islands are not so friendly, but is sure to be a nice change. Look forward to drinking and talking.

Master Spruce,

You will be most welcome, I'm sure, by all.

Naie a Kassill