Season 2, Event 3 - Allegiance, Favorite Moments


We cut things short due to the weather, and didn't get to do this. I need'em. I want'em. Give'em to me!
For me it was being given the bracers by the Company of Convicts. I didn't pay much attention to what was going on in the auction as I'm not yet wealthy enough as an adventurer to put that kind of coin on the table. I'm not sure exactly what I was doing but the next thing I knew the Company of Convicts led by Flynt were in front of me and Flynt was kneeling down and bestowing unto me the bracers thanking me for my service to Foxbridge. I was caught completely off guard by it and for Edarius it felt like he was finally someone more than the guardsman angry peasants spat curses at because they were arrested for acts of drunken stupidity. He also found himself far more noticed by other adventurers as he was invited by several adventurers to join them in Ceriopolis for the coming gather and one adventurer has made him their go to fighter for when they go looking for trouble in the woods. Edarius found himself brought along on many more adventures this gather than he had during the last and the moment with Flynt giving him the bracers felt like a culmination of this transition from outsider to a welcome person in Foxbridge.

The recognition for what Edarius thought simply a job that had to be done felt great and gave Edarius a moment of feeling truly accepted in Foxbridge and left quite an impression on him about the people of Sedovia. He is now giving strong consideration to seeking citizenship in Sedovia as he has nothing left in the Savage Lands and after this gather Foxbridge has become a place Edarius can comfortably call home and has a far greater desire to aid the town in finding solutions to the problems that plague it even if he may be a bit naive in how to find those solutions.

From an OOG perspective I felt as a player that I had hit a milestone in earning the trust of other players not only IG as Edarius but OOG as a player. I haven't been a part of Alliance for long but the experiences I'm having and friends I'm making are incredible and I look forward to each event eagerly and possibly will be expanding my adventures northward to Alliance Seattle.
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I feel that Aizyk ought to take at least one level in craftsman (barrister) after writing up those mental power indemnity contracts.
  • Everyone really trying the "it takes a village" thing teaching Pachow how to read, some good... Some downright odd.... But awesome RP all around.

  • She was pretty sad as Ashok was getting everyone ready for the big battle Saturday night and asked the archers to team up with a shield as she looked around the room and realized her buddy that she always called her shield, would no longer there. Thank you Mortikai Gollem for standing up and acting as my big shield, as we walked the field and got many kills.

  • The tea ceremony with Panda, and after battle ice cream and story time with Panda and the fat ponies, great stories, great fun!

  • Listening to the conversations between Panda and Roan, from hilariously awkward, to beautiful moments, you two are amazing RPers to be around!
Had a great event as Arannin! Thanks to the Plot team for everything!

- Both of the stealth mods were fantastic. I felt like a boss on Friday night sneaking up to the table and snatching things off without being seen by the NPCs just a few yards away. In addition, the team of us that went had a good plan and a diversion ready in case we needed a plan B. Fun stuff!

- Enjoyed the new Tracking mechanic. It's nice (in a chapter with multiple trackers) to have a mechanism by which it really does help to have multiple trackers working together.

- I *really* appreciate Plot rolling with what happened with Lumos. You guys could have just said "nope" but instead you let it go through and figured out how to deal with it moving forward. Thanks!

- As always, RP with Roan and the entirety of Roan's House of Candles was great. An excellent crew to be running with!

I had a really fun event! Thanks to plot and staff for making it all possible!

-Gryphons. Roan's finally tapping back into her anger.
-I really enjoyed interactions with Panda as always, loved the tea ceremony!
-finally got to talk to Orin as a friend and not just "on duty"!
-arguments with Arannin! Always so fun! And my whole house-with-a-name! Loved to Rp with all of you.
-I'm excited we seem to have a plan for moving forward with some stories that have been ongoing this whole campaign. Really looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.

-Carmen (Roan)
I feel that Aizyk ought to take at least one level in craftsman (barrister) after writing up those mental power indemnity contracts.
Build that doesn't go toward mental powers? That'd be wierd...

I found it very difficult to choose a single favorite moment when I was asked last night. Here's a selection of things that came to mind.
  • Friday night at 2 AM, when the world was suddenly turned upside down as our legendary quest item was within my grasp, and the terrible implications of that.
  • Fallout from its destruction, as Ardryk had to contend with strong negative emotions that were not Aizyk-related for once. Good RP all around there.
  • Chewing out a fae over poor decisions, and having the wind slowly drained out by everyone at the table and my goals dropped from remorse and sympathy to understanding all the way down to, "Maybe the next person who deals with him will know what they're getting into."
  • The strike force fight was short and brutal.
  • Everyone who picked up a consent form and went from, "I would never want someone messing around in my head," to, "Okay, could you do X, Y, and Z, but not A or B?" in about 60 seconds.
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-"Well, looks like I'm better than Rufaro." "Was there any doubt?"
- Saturday morning shenanigans. "Do you have a spell shield?" "No." "With Eldritch Force I build a Lesser Investment!" "Wait... what?"
- Amber-Rose thinking she'd hold us back on Sunday morning only to save us all.
- Uncle Kel's weird relationships and relationship advice.
- Orin's disapproving and caring tirade at drunk Kel.
- Realizing Kel may actually be bipolar.
- Drunk Aizyk.
I feel that Aizyk ought to take at least one level in craftsman (barrister) after writing up those mental power indemnity contracts.
This is how I felt with Durnic after writing the first and second drafts of the laws in Ceriopolis. :-/

This event was fantastic for me. Here are some of my favorites:
  1. The stealth mods. Both of them were so much damn fun, this is the kind of thing I had envisioned Durnic doing a lot of in his character background.
  2. All the RP with Dab and his crew about their affinity for powers they don't understand. I don't hate you guys out-of-game, I promise.
  3. The meat grinder highbie fight on Saturday night was fantastic, even if it was short.
  4. Passing my citizenship test and the ensuing conversation with Sir Polin.
  5. All of the RP around teaching Pachow to read. "What letter are you on now, Pachow?" "D!" "D? Like 'duck'?" "No. D like 'Durnic'!" *flips over whiteboard to show a very angry Durnic-face.*
  6. Bowie, Roscoe and Durnic talking to the Griffin. Too bad Norm turned around before I could spit at his feet. :(
  7. The RP with Roscoe, Roan, Pachow, Meeko and Bowie.
  8. Witnessing Aizyk and Ardryk starting to come apart at the seams after realizing that their Griffin is just a very powerful murderer who has no regard for them or their lives.
  9. The new character who's name I don't actually know who quite literally stopped a party wipe on the undead mod on Sunday morning. She is the real MVP of that fight. She ran around getting the downed party members up with cure light wounds potions and played very smart. I was super impressed. Edit: Turns out the character's name is Isodel. Isodel, if you want an apprenticeship position Roscoe is lookin'.
  10. Roscoe straight tackling Ashok when the Athem Home was destroyed.
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Durnik trying to explain and "draw" chicken and!
This was the game of great conversations:
1. Panda's tea ceremony was exactly what a somewhat lost-feeling Orin needed.
2. The friendship conversation with Aizyk
3. Asking Roan for relationship advice (with Arannin nearby)/having Luta overhear and trying to help her compose a letter and feeling so awkward
4. Meeting Saorise, and getting to know her without ever getting around to saying "I really like your very good friend/almost sister"
5. A very brief conversation with Roscoe
6. Conversation with Sir Pollen, always nice to gain new perspectives
7. Scarring Diego with a lullaby
8. The emotional fallout from the deaths of Red and Kruk, and the conversation with Aizyk and Tristan.
9. Isodel saving us on a very difficult lair card Sunday morning
The Saturday night lowbie fight. Sad to say, but I've not yet encountered a group of PCs that can fight together like you all did. Poor Evan, he was ready to lay into our right flank with a crap ton of necromancy, a double tap followed by an eviscerate left the guy in a bloody pile in the field.

Getting handed a gold and being asked to "handle it to the best of your ability" in reference to a green wart covered monster that was unconscious on the ground which thought it was married to a hobbling. "Killing blow 1... killing blow 2... killing blow 3." Del was a bit upset with me, she sprinted when she heard the call, but didn't make it in time to stop me from beheading the creature. I love simple solutions.

Apparently we've got a group name now. It's news to us that we're called the "Company of Convicts," especially since most of us have never been convicted of ANY crime. It's ok, we get the job done, and beyond acknowledging that, it doesn't matter.

- Luke, AKA: Bjorn
Ok! Here we go!

1) The multiple moments where I asked my tired, battered NPCs to do a thing with me, and they said "Ok!" even when they were pretty much about to pass out the moment they started sitting. Also, they were super awesome with cleanup. Also, they told me to stop what I was doing and to go eat. They're an amazing group, and I love my NPC crew.

2) Saturday night chats with Aizyk, Ardryk, and Orin. Reading the Mental Care Legal Release.

3) PC Rogue Hijinks!

4) Smart PC play! Bjorn really needs to start wearing loud, heavy armor again. Uggggggggggh. Sneak Polearm!

I think all the best moments were the looks on other peoples faces...
- The look on the face of Jason Woodcock during the Saturday night fight when he raised his mace above his head and bellowed out, "Prepare to Die! 50 Slay!" And had this waterlogged goomba with a knife jump in front of him and bellow back, "C'mon!" Thanks, Jason, that was fun!
- The look on Carmen/Roan's face when I walked into the tavern on Sunday morning with a pair of pants that would make Vavarick cringe.
- The look on Mike's face Sunday morning when the Troll vs. Giant soup mod went to fisticuffs, and his favorite sword got Shattered.

But I also really liked how the fight went around the Tavern on Saturday night. The way that the NPC baddies were being vocal (Jaimi, I'm mostly looking at you, here) was fun. The way that the PC's would guard each other and use simple tactics of falling back and stating that they need to refit their armor, and have at least one person stand in front of them was pretty cool to watch.

Thanks all. This was a really fun event!

Brian AKA Tadeusz/Tad
Okay, actual list time.
  • The other lowbies being very easy to fit in with for a first time PC. I was stressing out over trying to get comfortable with long roleplay and find an IC headspace for Khyr, so it was a relief when the groups I hung around with on Saturday were very easygoing. Saorishe being inexorably upbeat helped a lot.
  • Saturday night lowbie fight starting very abruptly and chaotically, followed by the afflicted trying to get under our skin with sing song taunts. Kept me on edge the whole fight.
  • Khyr and Shashenka almost immediately falling into sync with each other, bonding as they fought the afflicted side by side. BBBB.
  • All the new NPCs who put up with being on the wrong end of a polearm (I've been there too) and were generally pretty awesome besides. And it was rather amusing to listen in on a group of farmers in the tavern argue whether the drunk one among them was actually reading the Sedovia map or just making up names.
  • Hearing about Leuta and Tyrinn's srsface elf form of flirting. So adorbs.
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Late reply is late, but getting ready for the next event I felt the need to reflect on some of my favourite moments from last event.

One. Coming clean the Tairin about the whole flower situation and trying to make for it the whole rest of the weekend, largely by serving as a postal delivery service and chaperone.
One-B. Also, being told to protect Tairin during the split fight and trying to follow orders without insulting her. Basically, all the awkward, all the time.

Two. Awkward conversations with Tal-Haroth as Del (me) tried to negotiate copying his alchemy book. Ended with Del owing him a favour which I'm sure can only end well.
Two-B. Super shout out to Tal-Haroth and Dab who were willing to front me the gold I needed to set up my alchemy workshop, even though in the end I was able to afford it without help.

Three. Ezra blowing himself up with a trapped hat minutes after teaching Del about being vigilant and checking for traps. Laughed for ages.

Four. Defending Luke's ritual with a bunch of other lowbies. We had some good teamwork guys! Also at the end: "Thank you gentleman-" / "Hey!" / "Thank you ladies and gentleman"

Five. Investigating a monster at the earth circle with the Fat Ponies and when they decided someone had to killing blow the thing:
Ezra - "Isabel will do it"
Del - "Isodel. And no."

Six. Trying to give some life coaching to the goblin-ish-wart-covered-creature that thought it was married to Ezra, then trying (and failing) to save her life when Del got called away and Ezra gave the job to Bjorn.
"Killing blow one-"
"Wait-! What?"
"Killing blow two-"
"No, wait! *runs over*"
"Killing blow three."
Six-B. Can we just appreciate for a moment that Del and Bjorn were givin the same instructions ("Deal with that.") but our interpretation of what that meant were basically opposite.
Six-C. Del was giving out a weird amount of dating advice last game.

Seven. Going out to kill some things with people way over Del's level on Sunday morning and actually managing to make a useful contribution! (Also having something of a "senpai noticed me" moment when getting praised by them later.)

Eight. Then kind of ruining my "I'm useful" buzz by almost completely failing to get help from the tavern during the Dwarf-stew debacle. Note to self: next time start with "there is a dwarf in a pot".

Turns out Del has an issue with killing things and creatures when not in immediate danger from them (ie any situation where one could use "killing blow").

I had a great time last event and I can't wait for next weekend!