Season 2, Event 4 - Ruination


Over the past month, the enemy forces which had been assaulting the Baronies of Lovell and West Hamlet have spread outward and have created a blockade separating both Otford and Vinath Counties from the rest of Sedovia. The Sedovian military has fought to push Lumos' minions back, but so far they have not been successful. Travel into and out of the Counties of Otford and Vinath has become very dangerous.

Rumors abound of sightings of Lumos, more often than not he is described as being accompanied by imposing creatures of blackness with strange glowing symbols on their foreheads. The symbols are usually described as either a V shape or an upside down V shape. The stories say that those who try to interfere with him are swiftly killed by the creatures that follow his commands.

At approximately 4 pm on Saturday the 14th of May, a loud rage-filled roar was heard echoing throughout the area in and around Foxbridge. Ten hours later at 2 am on Sunday the 15th, another roar was heard, however it was accompanied by a blinding flash of white light. Those that were awake at that time suffered a brief bout of blindness and disorientation. Many are afraid that Lumos and his minions have done, or plan to do, something terrible and that Sedovia will be victim to something worse than the Undead Scourge that ended five years ago.