Season Opener Check In


Hello Everyone,

Our opener is a day away and your Alliance Chicago staff are working really hard to make it an awesome event. We want to start off this event on a high note. With that said, we have 65 PC currently registered to play. So for check-in we need to be quick and accurate so that we can get everyone through and into game in the time period allowed.

So here are the rules for check-in. When you arrive at NPC camp to check in. Bring all of your Magic Items and tags to be checked in. We will have 2 tables inside the glass in-closer for that. After you are done there or if you do not need to check any magic items then head to the center table for payment and the rest of check in.

At the main table, please have your payment and all your coin and workshop tags (if you have any) for production or anything else ready so that we can move you on as quick as possible. If you need to talk to plot or anyone else please go around to the side door. Again 65 people can get loud and crowded quickly, so once you are done checking in go get ready for an amazing weekend. If you have any questions send me an email at


I'm assuming safety check will happen at one of those tables as well? :D
Just wanted to leave this here because check in/logistics is often the red headed stepchild of Larp....but holy got done in great time! way to go Nick, Amanda, and logistics staff!
Great job - only advice - have a newbie marshal or just an experienced person around to handle new players, as to not have the line come to a complete stop, as it happened for a while on Friday.