Season Opener: The Real Event Teaser!


Spring dawned early over New Acarthia with green shoots of new life, and early-blooming flowers popping up everywhere in great abundance this year. Bunnies, prairie dogs, chipmunks, and small life basked in the new sunshine, eager to stretch their legs and feed their many newborn young. Dryads from the Annex organized themselves and neighbors from the nearby Acarthian settlement into volunteer groups to tend the burgeoning new greenery, nurturing this gift of unusual spring liveliness, and using all their alchemical, gardening, and horticultural skill to help the land and its denizens growth strong and healthy. It started out as a good spring, a happy season.

New Acarthia had barely recovered from the past year’s ravages of claw and fang within the Warehouse District around Deepjugs Tavern. The duchy spared no expense in its characteristic generosity, lending scrolls components for Investiture to members of its Healers, and Mages Guilds, making sure that all had proper access to the guild circles in this part of town.

On Friday night, the 30th of March, far earlier in the spring thaw than usually anything exciting happens in New Acarthia, the falsetto cries of two young boys pierced the quiet in the Merchants District after dinner. William and David, boys who lived outside of town at the Navigo Vineyards, known to many in town and often seen at the market with their mother Angeline, ran at top speed into Deepjugs Tavern, panicked, and lines of tears streaking their dusty faces.

“UNDEAD!” They cried! “An undead army!”

“How many?” Gwen from the Captain’s Log asked them, thinking of her own family’s safety and wondering how much time they had.

“Uh… all of them, I think?” David sniffled, rubbing his sleeve over his face.

There was barely enough time for the few assembled in Deepjugs Tavern over a springtime night to collect themselves, wrap on a cloak, grab weapons. Fortunately, they were tucked snugly within the protection of a Haven of the Living spell blanketing the tavern like a protective cloak against the entrance of any undead creature from the outside. The Huntsman’s horn bellowed down the road, summoning forth a small army of lesser undead to do his bidding, as has happened time and again over winter nights in the city on the border of the frontier.

The sun rose, bright and cheerful, the following day, with The Huntsman long gone back into the depths of the woods from which he rose, and no undead to be seen in the clear light of day. Other menaces still faced the denizens of New Acarthia, though…

Travelers into the woods continued to report those sigils of swirling defiance, related, perhaps to the five days last year when Wards failed to protect against the Void creatures that poured through strange rifts - rifts that remained opened somewhere in New Acarthia, threatening uncertainty with what might come through them again! Perhaps more investigation out into the environs surrounding the town might yield more information.

From all around the waterways of the duchy, there were stories about serpent creatures attacking small vessels and the unwary on land. From Bayenna, in particular, the reports were very concerning… or very quiet, which was perhaps worse.

Locally, the Vilker hobgoblins with their faces warpainted in purple streaks, and skulking beneath their black hoods continued to dominate the Howling Woods under the reign of their chieftain, Sark. Recently named “Vysen,” a sort of General among the monsters, the character and flavor of interaction with the previously fairly docile tribes along the border was beginning to change.

Town Guard outposts reported movement from a tribe of orcs not seen here until a few months ago. Crimson flags dangle from their belts, painted with a grimace of snarling fangs. Bounty posters out at the Watchtowers, far from town but worth the walk for the sentries’ information that might be gained if anyone but asks, indicate that this orc tribe might be slavers! Free races, some even mystic wood elves, have been seen in their company, weighted down by iron collars around their necks. Little good could come from this, people whisper into their drinks in Deepjugs.

Duchess Ilianna Tiberion herself had been requested by the King to travel northward into Epyxia and the war-torn regions of Rowan and Lomeeria, in hopes that her proven leadership might restore some peace and sanity to that region. Rumors traveled through the courts that she had appointed another guardian in her absence to mind matters in her home duchy. “Viscount Tiberion,” courtiers whispered, speaking also the name, “Lord Tiberion” with him, but details remained sketchy. With that approach to New Acarthia’s courts was another name out of the Royal Fiefs: Lord Alexander Moorefield, a professor from Moorefield Keep highly skilled in the arts of war, reportedly headed out to the frontier at New Acarthia.

The Solana Family had stepped into the limelight to invite adventurers to explore a long forgotten realm beyond the mists, promising adventure and perhaps even riches to those bold enough to step forward! Their expedition begins in mid-May, not far from now, and surely the adventurers of New Acarthia would begin planning their explorations now, arming themselves with weapons and wisdom, choosing their balanced parties to travel into the exciting unknown!

As if all of that weren’t enough to keep the adventuring class buzzing in their talk of tactics and priorities as they gather early in the morning for a hot breakfast from the new innkeepers, Thorgrim and Cynder out of Warchester, if there’s one thing that springtime always means it’s the appearance of faeries. The supposedly “gentle” kind flit from flower to flower with their gossamer wings glistening in the early spring sunlight, perhaps to trade information or small favors for their entertainment. Wasn’t there something about a competition among them? Champions chosen to compete for the crown of the Winter King? When the fae compete, that is sure to affect the mortal realm: better to try to avoid it, or choose a side and know your stance? Hard to know!

Day by day, New Acarthia attracts more travelers to its roads in springtime. It's a port of call – home away from home – for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, wanderers, and adventurers. New Acarthia can be a city full of intrigue and dangers. But it just might be our best hope, if certainly not the last one, for peace and prosperity for all peoples of good heart!


Welcome to the real start of your 2018 New Acarthia play season!

The April 13-15, 2018 event will begin with OOC Opening Ceremonies, held in the tavern building at 9:00 pm on Friday night. We have some rules clarifications and exciting setting changes and additions that we wish to go over at the start of the season. We’ll try to keep the remarks brief.

For the April event, Team Daedalus, your Acarthia Plot Team, has decided to “handwave” over the OOG move from one campsite to another. All your Investitures, Proscribe, Haven of the Living, will be intact and functioning normally for this one event. If you were Invested to either the Healers Guild or Mages circles here or at any other campsite, your character is Invested here for the Apil event.

In June, when we move to Alliance Denver’s permanent site, the story will pick up to explain the long-term move and difference in appearance of the New Acarthia setting at that time. Plot is pretty excited about the story opportunity there, and we hope that you’ll enjoy what’s coming down the road!

To the best of our knowledge, there will be a minimum number of liche overlords appearing at the April weekend event. :)

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the Season Opener! Please pre-register early and often:

Trace Moriarty
Team Daedalus
2018 Acarthia Plot Team