Second hand information is poisonous.


As of late I have been hearing things second or third hand, as well as receiving pointed remarks that clearly refer to something, but often confuse me as to what specifically they are refering to. This leads to me expect that there is a number of things being passed around privately, or in small groups that I simply am not aware of and it's causing massive friction in our community.

To that end, let me first state that I will make no demand, or request that you share whatever these things are with me, unless you want to, I have no desire to get into a string of arguments about whether something has been misheard, misunderstood, misrepresented, or is simply true. Dure'dhel has mentioned that mutual disrespect causes all sides to fester and feed off one another and this needs to stop.

Someone has to begin, and since I envision myself as a sometimes peace maker, I am willing to take the first step. If you wish to respond in anger, or bring up a point of contention I do not list here, I implore you to do so privately, if you think I owe you something, now is likely an excellent time to bring it up, as my focus is on rebuilding the bonds that should exist between us.

So with all that in mind, I will make some statements, some of these I think should already be known, some are perhaps the first time I've stated them, but I'd like them all to be known, and publically so there can be no mistake where my support lies.

First and Foremost, I am the King's loyal servant, I have never refused an order from his Majesty or his vassals, although I have at times taken actions to preserve my ability to keep my people safe that I recognize could be seen as contrary to the goals of the Knights and the Duke at times depending on how you view things, and I apologies for any difficulties this has caused in the past.

Secondly, I wish to apologize to the Knights for the instances of disrespect I acknowledge I have been guilty of, while it is no excuse, I can only say that my words at these times where driven by fear, anger, and uncertaintly that the support I might need to see those I care for protected would be there when needed. All three of these feelings occasionally overwhelm me being far stronger than they should given the history of heroism this town has and I apologize once again for my personal weakness in this area.

Thirdly, I wish to recognize the Actions of the Knights, Jehan, Raven, Kalin, and Tadron in taking action, each in their own way, to lead the town toward prosperity, honor and safety. While I have often received kind words to the contrary, I implore you all once again to remember that while I do try to help, I simply do not have that inner core of belief in my abilities, nor have I ever suggested that I had any skill in battle. While I have studied small group tatics recently I am not in a position to lead in battle, however it is my desire to raise up those in my group that are able to lead and support them to the best of my ability.

Finally, while occasionally my group can seem closed off as we enjoy each other's company, it is our desire to work within the town, and we encourage you to ask for assistance in any task and we will help if we can, please do not feel that we will demand to bring us all, we recognize that often folks will not want to add quite so many, or that some of us might have to much recognition to be wise to bring. It is our continued desire to work with a broadbase of people of all skill levels within the town and we are continuing to look at ways we can do better. For example starting next marketday Pandora will have one of our spell store items on her so we might be able to send some extra healing magic along when either I, or she, cannot or should not come for any reason.

So there it is, I have admitted wrong, although I am sure there are items I am unaware of that I have not admitted to, as I am sure there are things I have done, or have been rumored to do, that you feel I know about and should have listed here. PLEASE either discuss these with me, accuse me publically, or let them go for the good of the town at large.

As for any grievances, I am making a commitment, here, now, and publically that I will be doing all I can to make amends, even in cases I might not fully agree, with only the cavaet that I cannot, and will not, take actions I believe will lead to the harm of those I protect. I further state, here, now, and publically, I release any and all grievances I may have with anyone, I put the past behind me as far as any issues I had percieved, whether reasonable or unreasonable, I let them go and will be considering all future interactions from a point of view untarnished with any negative actions, but having the light of any positive actions shining upon it.

I recognize that my statements here may open myself up to punishment, and there are opportunities to realize great gain from my heartfelt desire to solve these issues, I do not know a stronger way to show my commitment or trust.

As we move to confront Thonesh, I hope and envision that we can do so with unity, I am willing to suffer for this dream of a town, community, and land where this is true, and I will no longer put that demand on anyone else who does not take it up freely, of their own accord.

Our lands become tainted by a great beast, and my very blood boils and sings out to expunge it from our world, and the first step in doing so is to rid myself of the taint I have allowed into my heart due to fear and hurt.

Watcher, Witness, Helper and Healer to Heroes,
Barrister Enan Bluewater.