Seeking a Potion or Scroll supplyer

Greetings, I am in need of buying 5 Magic Armor scrolls, or potions, or any combination for the next gathering and I was wondering if anyone who could make or sell these things to me could contact me before hand and arrange a price. A private note would do just fine. Thanks kindly.
- Eldarion Avari

If you are looking for potions, Talk to Ivar or Debora. Both are quite skilled and would be willing to make those potions. I beleive they are planning on being at the next gather. Though Knowing Ivar and how he fells about sea travel, you may want to let him calm down before approaching him! Like many Dwarves, he does not like to have his feet off the ground and a long sea voyage might make him a bit cranky until he gets his land legs again. Safe travels.

Marcus of Freeport