Seeking Adventurers and Those with the Celestial Talents


Greetings to you, members of Hopes Reach,

With the unfortunate need to remove Jivah Earnestwood from his position as the local head of the Celestial Guild's Presence in Hopes Reach, it has fallen to me to supervise our actions in the area. I will start by saying I know your history in the area over the last two years, and am eager to establish better relationships with the brave folks out on the forefront of battle. I know many of you may have had dealings with Palo Handleboh, as of this spring his request to be reassigned has been granted, and he'll be moving on to duties closer to the center of Gaden.

Now then, with that out of the way to business, I have two reasons for speaking so publically, first we are once again looking to add another neophyte to our ranks, those interested should visit the celestial guild to arraign for their test, you may bring a small number of people with you to assist, further details will only be given in person.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, the Local Baron has requested the Celestial Guild's aid in organizing an excursion of some importance on the first day of April. I'll be assigning the local members of the Celestial Guild to attend and offering support in the matter of useful aid. At this point I cannot reveal the direct purpose of this excursion other then it is of great importance and will be dangerous.

- Endikar Darkmason
Journeyman of the Celestial Guild.
My most excellent Darkmason,

Come the 7th day of next month, I will have passed the trial six months ago, at which time I was told that, after six months of the new Neophyte appointed at that time (Allendra)'s membership, I would become the foremost considered become a Neophyte of the Guild. My Celestial prowess has more than tripled since that blazing summer's day, and I hope that the original agreement still stands. Please let me know if this rings true, for I greatly desire to join the ranks of such a prestigious organization as the Celestial Guild of Gaden and believe I have much to offer the guild.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft