Seeking aid in spirit/ritual research.


To start off, if you know me, or know of me, I can assure you that "research" is not a clever euphemism or intended to mean anything other than it normally does. I seek knowledge, very specific knowledge that perhaps none currently amongst our group in Ceriopolis can provide...

If you are well versed in the intricacies of sentient spirits, formal rituals, or rituals of nontraditional design, I would very much like to converse at length on these subjects.


I can assure the skeptical among you that this discretion is out of utility, not the precursor to shady involvement. I merely lack the time and patience to address my interests publicly and endeavor to tailor them for public consumption. The nature of my interest is wholesome, but delicate.

Contact me privately if you believe yourself capable of assissting.

- Roann Tantreal
I still seek answers... While I anticipate some may be reticent to converse on such topics, and others may feel inadequately knowledgeable, I assure you that any information will be useful, and my interests lean towards order, not such foolishness as chaos often brings.