Seeking an Ambassador

I were wondering about dhe Isle of Salamis and dhose peoples who have inhabited its cities like Leonato. It is on dhe Valdanian map, but it has come to my attention dhat is is nye a part of Valdanis.

I t'ink dhat dhere IS a ruling class of Salamis. Having spent most all my time in Leonato vhen I am dhere, I had ne'er heard talk of one save for dhe stories of dhe Citizen's Revolt all dhat time ago. Dhe great battle of dhe oppressed poor 'gainst dhe uppity ruling faction and what-have-thee. Is nye my favorite story anyvay.

I was wondering specifically if any Alliance has been made wit' dhem? Is dhere an accord 'tween Salamis and dhe Valdanian empire? Are citizens of Leonato also citizens of Horn's End because we are on dhe same map?

Fortune And Love With All,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea Dagon