Seeking Assistance in a Small Endeavor

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff

I have a personal task that I might see if I can attend to during my time in the Master's Vale and am hoping that a few helpful adventurers in the area would be willing to accompany and assist me:

Within the Vale, there's an Earth-Magic-attuned Twigling-like being comprised of dirt and roots that I want to seek out. The being is apparently quite sensitive to sunlight, spending its time in caves during the daytime, so into its cave is where I intend to go. I imagine that such a thing will be hostile when approached, so I would advise being ready to fight it if you join me.

The reason for my endeavor is that I am hoping to harvest a particular part of this being, so at least one person knowledgeable of harvesting raw materials in the wild would be ideal to accompany me if possible. The substance I am looking to collect might be found on the being itself, or simply in its cave - I'm not exactly sure. If we can manage to collect what I hope to without killing the being, I would like to do so, but that might not be possible depending on the situation. We'll just have to see.

If you have any questions, we can discuss them in person when we meet in the Vale in a few days.

May the Light guide you, the Shadow guard your path, your Words have Power, and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Magus of Tempered Rage