Seeking Authority

Hope's Reach. This is the name of a place I heard once in my travels. If this is not directed to the right place please dismiss it.

If it is though....

I am long traveled and seek authority, or whomever would be an honest and respected person of Hope's Reach. Not just any honest and respected person, as I can imagine there are many in the area, but someone who is look upon to handle matters of the area. There are a few people that I believe that I need to talk to... A one, Fern, is the only name that comes to mind when thinking of these people but if I could get directed towards these people it would be greatly appreciated.

I also will be seeking a place to stay and a few friendly faces as I plan to take ease from my journey.

With Might and Honor above all-

Ur'ok Kal
Ur'ok Kal,

we have some extra room with us too. there are 5 or 6 of us, an extra set of eyes and ears is always welcome

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
There are a number o' people y' could talk to. Certainly Fern is one o' them. You may also want t' look for McGregor or T'zulti, both of whom are on our counsel. Is there anything specific you need 'em for- or are you just lookin' for an introduction t' the area? I'm sure you'll find a number of upstandin' folk in 'opes Reach. So far that's wot my experiences 'ave shown me anyways.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
James I thank you and will most likely take you up on your offer, eyes and ears and a swift strike is what has kept me alive thus far.

Miss Alyce thank you for the names. Though it is not my nature to be secretive and I carry no secrets in this matter, the matter of the information is sensitive. Though it will become public knowledge as that is my intent, there are just some things that I would prefer to discuss with the metaphorical "leaders" of the area.

I look forward to becoming better introduced to all of the upstanding people of the area and to make myself better known. The corrupt are something that we all fight in common and Hope's Reach seems a fine place to lay my head and join the cause in a safer area.

Ur'ok Kal