Seeking Blacksmiths, Even Rudimentary Ones

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff

After a recent discovery, I find myself in need of a number of ingots of common ores. Fortunately, these are something that any blacksmith, no matter how rudimentary, can easily make. Each ingot will cost the same as a dagger and take the same amount of skill to craft, so if you aren't already making anything important preceding the upcoming gathering in a few days, please consider making however many ingots you are able for me.

If you're one of the people planning on just batching your basic skill to make a full quiver of arrows or bolts with your smithing session for the day, I have an offer: Make two ingots and I'll give you a quiver of arrows/bolts in exchange for them. It's the exact same cost as if you were making the arrows/bolts yourself, except this way, we both get what we want.

May your Words have Power and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Magus of Tempered Rage

As I showed those who gathered together in May, my process for transmuting simple bars of metal into weapons of Corrupt-slaying, Node-destroying Dragonglass has proven effective and impressive! That said, I am continuing my desire to accumulate these ingots I mentioned before, so if you are capable of even basic smithing and do not have any other plan for your talent, please consider making some for me. The more I get, the more easily we can push back the Corrupt.

At the moment, I need 65 more to get enough to make the next two Dragonglass weapons on my list, with any additional ingots being put towards future projects or Node-breaking daggers as the situation merits. If you feel like batching a few times, that would be more than welcome.

If you are interested in the possibility of purchasing a Dragonglass weapon from me, contact me privately and we can discuss.

May your Words have Power and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Magus of Tempered Rage
While I have no skill in blacksmithing I vould love to vatch their creation if it wouldn't be too much trouble? Perhaps I can goad my sisters into forging a few if zhat vould sweeten zeh deal so to speak.

-Beryl R.T.
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You are indeed welcome to watch next time I go through the process of Dragonglass creation, Beryl. As far as having Kari aid in crafting again, she'll have to practice more with her crafting if she hopes to make more than a single dagger with me, but she is of course welcome to participate in creating that new dagger if she wishes. Having a few dagger-crafters available certainly won't go amiss, and fortunately, they're in ready supply among the adventurers.

That said, I am also looking for blacksmiths that are capable of creating more than just daggers, staffs, half-quivers, and the like to aid me next time I work with Dragonglass. The more you can do, particularly without a Workshop, the better. I know for a fact I'll need a Master like Iganeous when I make the two big weapons I have planned, but if you're skilled enough to silver a weapon each day (or more skilled than that, of course), I would love your assistance as well.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft

You still need help with this? Me can silver a weapon!

-Cho Ko Nu