Seeking Blissful Rest

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Fellow adventurers,

I am currently looking for a Blissful Rest scroll to cast on behalf of our pal Nikolai, who has recently vocalized his surprise that such a ritual doesn't get more frequently cast to help us stressed, restless adventurers get a bit more peace at night. Surely someone has one laying around that they would be willing to part with?

May your Words have Power and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
I think the issue is we are normally not in the same place often enough. I have a scroll, but have contemplated whether to put it on one of our taverns or my residence.

Next instance I get I will happily put one in my barracks, which of course is open for a few nights to us all.

Lord of Horizon
Gandian, much as I am interested to see it cast, it was an idle comment. Don't put yourself out at all over my curiosity and appreciation of a good night's rest unless you really want to!

I assure you, the act of asking around for a scroll doesn't take much effort, and neither would casting it. If I get one, great! If not, I'm not going to work up a sweat tracking one down.

~ Gandian