Seeking Help

Itz rare I ask for help of any kind but I am in a bit of a jam and could Really use zee following:

A blue baby roc feather
A master seamstress/tailor
Contacts in each celestial guild across zee lands
2 spirit walks
1 banish to other plane
Wearbear Hair.
3 bound shard scrolls.

I may add more later. Coin, finders fees, favors, components and gratitude in exchange.

Jehan W
There's a werebear that is in great suffering running around. He needs to be subdued and helped. I'm sure he'd gratefully give you some of his hair once he is cured.

We should help this creature.


Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I vill do what I can.

Jehan Wyldweaver
I'm willing to check my family's inventory and see if we have any of those scrolls.


I'd be indebted to you for doing so. Let me know what you might have and pricing.

What kind of sewing are you in need of? I could provide ze service if ze materials are provided unless you require zhem before ze gathering.
