Seeking Ice Magic

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
My good people,

I am currently attempting to stockpile as much Ice magic as I can, and I hope that you can assist me. If you have any Ice Bolt or Ice Storm scrolls, or perhaps any mystical trinkets capable of casting either of those spells or an Elemental Blast, I would be very interested in purchasing them from you. I am willing to pay in coin, but I am also able to trade with other scrolls or potions if you so choose.

Contact me privately, or speak to me at the next gathering, if you have anything that I could buy or trade for.

I hope I find you all are well,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Gandian, don't tell me you have a fever.

Joking aside, I've looked through my belongings, and sadly the only thing remotely relating to Ice, is my name. My apologies, but may I ask why you've taken a sudden interest in collecting Ice Magic, assuming it's not too personal a question. I'm merely curious is all.

My most excellent Icey,

There is a great wrong in the balance of nature, and I hope that I can help restore the balance, but in order for me to do that, I will require the assistance of as much ice magic as I can get my hands on. I do not want to say too much in this medium, in case my plans are heard by unfriendly ears. I'm sure you can understand.

If you wish to discuss this further, contact me privately and perhaps I shall explain more thoroughly.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft

I have a few bolt and storm scrolls depending on budget that I can sell or trade you. I can also aquire a lot more so just tell me what you need and I will get it for you. Send me a private missive and we sort out the details.
