Seeking Information

To those attending the last moot,

I was unable to stay for most of the last moot because of another commitment. Would someone please be kind enough to review what was covered in this meeting? Also, I know some decision was planned afterward about guilds and organizations that might be looking for members. I would be grateful for any information about this that could be shared.

Thank you for your time,
Elderman Goldsong
Elderman, (is that a title or are you just brutally old?)

What was discussed was mostly a proposal to abolish the crime of Low Necromancy or make the punishment the same for both low and high. With the exception of a Farmer from a distant land, (Jack?) this conversation was carried on by the local Ogres (of which I am one) and the Biata Nicodemus who bears the Mark of Necromancy. I will leave it to you to figure out who was on which side of the issue. The Justicar, I feel, listened with open ears to all sides and showed a surprising humility for one of such fearsome reputation. He has promised to discuss the issue with the nobles of his Bastion and give us their consensus. We await his reply.

It should also be said that whatever his decision, Myself and Grog will abide by it. The Bastions are the last hope for the scattered survivors of Laerthan, and their defense and expansion should be the overriding priority of all those of noble heart. They are a place to come together, not a place to carry out petty vendettas. The Land's rage at the crime of Necromancy will come to those who practice it in the fullness of time, and requires no help from those who hear her voice to bring it to them.
Yellow-brother... I... don't even know what to write. You would give up your birth-right to kill necromancer', and trust time to punish those that cast the weak-magic? What make' you think Time give a damn about chaos and the destruction of Fortannis? The curse' of the Deadland' must be stronger than I expected, if they can castrate such a proud people as the Ogre.

I will find a way to cure you. This I swear. I can not die until the fire' in your heart are re-ignited, and your hatred which I know and love is returned to you.

-Air Raksa Menggosok Tarang
of the Arkelian Hunt
Air Raksa Menggosok Tarang,
Grog spoke highly of you, and so I forgive your words as they are based in ignorance. The Fire and Hatred which you so love is what nearly caused the extinction of my race. I will NOT compromise the safety of the Bastions because of my personal, and profound, disagreement with the law of the land. Laws can be changed, and hopefully will. The beliefs, customs and personal hatreds of any one race must bow before the survival of All. So I will stay my club and magic if the laws do not change, and continue to push for what I know is right and just. When you have seen what I have seen, suffered what I have suffered, heard the voice of Laerthan itself, THEN can you presume to judge my motives.
Friend Raska,

Read closer. It is the fury of the earth that will punish necromancers IF NOT LEFT up to us. This is not to say that we wouldnt rather the punishment be delivered by the Bastion. This is why we moved to have the law changed.

We are in no need of curing I assure you the fire in my heart against the abominations of this world is burning brighter than it ever has before. So much infact, that Lugwort and I led a siege on a litch's tower that very night.

The law must be changed because this Bastion needs to be protected. It is NOT our birthright to abandon the only pocket of life remaining in this world. We must aproach changing this law in the same way you teach a child his values. No matter what you say to that child, it still has a mind of it's own. You must not resort to anger and bickering if he chooses a different path. Simply let the child learn from thier mistake.

Most are not as versed in the dangers of Necromancy as we ogres are. As Lugwort pointed out, our concerns were heard by the wise Justicar and considered. He even spoke of possably having us serve as Bastion Guards. Know this though, my friend. No Ogre will serve anyone who views matters like Necromancy in such grey terms. This does not mean however, we will abandon trying to teach them.

If you are concerned, I invite you to talk over a roaring blaze and a mug by the lake. Its not fair that you be left out of such important events uninformed.

With the help of Lugwort's pen,
There is this sound rushing through your words, it says there is so much goodness in your hearts, and that I should dare hope your wisdom will flood, and someday cleanse these lands.

Ria Taybris Jehiel
Heirophan of The Deadlands

I hear your word', I just can not believe that they are coming from you!

I have never once seen "the fury of the earth" rise up an strike down a necromancer. All of the time the ground and tree' do nothing, Ogre' and Elf' are their protector' and avenger'. I would never suggest abandoning the Bastion' or disobeying Lord Justicar Crowe. Forgive me, I am simpy shocked to read this kind of talk coming from my yellow-skin tusk-brother'.

I will take you up on that mug of ale. Down by the lake sound' very romantic. I will wear one of my finest dress' for our date. I hope that my murderously jealous girlfriend do not hear about our rendevous. I hope that you do not share the fate of the poor goat I was once very fond of.


Thank you for forgiving me. That is very kind of you, considering my confusion. I would very much like to meet you, so that I do not pre-judge anymore of your motivation'. If you are friend of Grog then I will stand by your side' and crush any who would dare to further harm Laerthan. I am not you, I can not see what you have seen, and the land do' not speak to me. I am not an Ogre, though I very much wish to see the law' change.

The High Ogre perhap' have the single greatest gift of all the race' in the deadland'. We can not afford to lose anymore of your people.

-Air Raksa

Your right. Ogres do protect the land. We protect it in ways it could never do for itself. One way, is by pushing for the right laws. Lorgwut says good why our rage is conserved. It needs to be used to siege Skylar's Tower and stop void from spreading.

Our Earth is not without it's own fury, you know. In small ways, it does fight to preserve itself. The very lake I invited you to kept you safe on your last visit by trapping an unseen hoarde of zombies benieth it; another thing that I havn't told you yet. Now I was going to ask you if you knew of any good ways to fish them out using hooks and brains, but If you will be wearing your female's dress, maybe we should change to a bait with less mess!

There is much more I need to talk to you about, friend. I see a new age for BOTH our kinds dawning in the future, but I desperately need your help to get the first few steps in motion. There is much planning we need to do. I look forward to our meeting...not date.

And dont suggest that again! Its hard enough to find a female Ogre to keep the species alive. I need Orc-Goat love triangles like I need a bag on my hip!

(This page is stained by what seems to be fat tear-drops)


I... I knew you were inviting me to discuss the future of our Race'. I was just kidding about wearing a dress and thinking it was going to be a romantic date. If you are looking to be with a female Ogre... I... I understand and I won't get in the way. I know that I can not help you in making more Ogre-pup', I am going to help you find that special someone, maybe it is better that we just remain friend'.

I... I need to be alone, for a little while.

Your "friend" and nothing more