Seeking Monster Slayers



I am designing a weapon for my eventual use. This item will require a number of rituals, and will take some time to gather the resources for, so I may as well start now.

These are the rituals I seek:

Monster Slayer
Monster Slayer
Monster Slayer
Monster Slayer
Preserve Duration
Spirit Link/Lock -OR- Item Recall & Preserve.

As these rituals are acquired, I will modify this request accordingly.

I'm preferable to these rituals being able to travel, however, if the sword ends up not traveling well, I might still be able to make it work, as I'm not burdened by too many rituals of that kind.

Thank you!

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How many in particular are you looking for? It may help for people to know the quantity...

I apologize.

I'm looking for around four.
Shaman Zeth,

To clarify, are you looking for around four Monster Slayers and one Spirit Lock/Link, or around four of each?

Lord Polare,

Four Monster Slayers, one Link or Lock, though the latter is of the least priority.

It's my plan to build a single weapon that is capable against Elementals, Undead, and creatures that are magical or Extraplanar in nature.

It is part of a long-term goal.

I've modified the original post to reflect my intent more clearly.