Seeking place to stay


Greetings again, fellow adventurers!

I'll be in town a few weeks from now, and I'm looking for a place to stay. Does anyone have space open? I appreciate any offers. I have become quite proficient with my bow in the past months and will gladly defend whatever house I am in.

I will also need to stock up on arrows.
Thank you,
Neume Falanen

I have a strengthened bow for sale if you are interested. You would also be welcome to stay with me.


Brox find big barn, lots nice hay for sleep time. Just Brox in high sleep part, Brox much heavy for more. Brox teach Noomee for hammer, work better then stick flinger. Hurt bigger spot when hit. Also good for make mushy stuff, much fun.

Brox Redfeather
I can make you a bow, if you wish, at a reasonable price. :D

I am planning on purchasing a cabin from the lodge for the weekend. If you need a bed, please see me when I arrive October 21. :o
I normaly have some bow's in stock and arrows as well, however I am planning a bussness trip (Invading armes and caravans dont go well together) but I can leave some stock behind. Just come by the house.
Polare: I would be very interested in purchasing that strengthened bow from you, seeing as how my last one was shattered the last time I visited the fell realm. I definitely need a new one. And unfortunately, I will not be in town the weekend I mentioned. . . . I have been called away briefly by my family.

Thank you to all who offered me a place to stay. I appreciate the offers, and perhaps will see you another time.

Neume Falanen