Seeking some wares


Chicago Staff
For those that will be in Horizon in a few days, I am looking to Spellcraft a Seek The Whole Ritual Scroll. I do not have a scroll on me, so if I may spellcraft off of yours I will pay you for your service.

Other things I am looking to purchase:
- Ritual Reagents tied closely to The Sheltered Lands for use in traveling
- A Scribe. Someone to take notes on a groups outcome after they return from jobs/task

Thank you,
I vould be more than villing to vork as a scribe vor you. Zo I do not make a scroll, should I find any components I vill zell those as vell.

Beryl R.T.

I'm so sorry, I wasn't gonna be in town and I got really really busy and I didn't even think to check to see if people needed things back home!

I'm um, pretty sure I have two of those find the thing scrolls, one from like a couple years ago when I was looking for methran and another Artemis just sold me a little bit ago. You don't need them any more though right? .....tell me you found one please
