Seeking to buy ritual supplies


Gettysburg Staff
I am seeking to purchase the following scrolls, and components that will aid in the casting of said rituals

Summon Extraplanar Creature
Summon Panterghast
Warder Glyph
Race Reaver

Prices to be negotiated based on my need and the possessor's needs. I can be contacted via messenger (

Oh my! What a strange and random happenstance! I too am looking for the exact same things and paying more for them! Please send me a private message instead. No whispering winds please. Thank you ever so much!


Abbreviations are fun, no?
Abbreviations concern me.. I always prefer to know whom I'm dealing with...

That is for Reiklund..
Why would anyone need that dangerous sounding list of rituals? They seem rather oriented towards murder. I could be wrong, though.

In Service,
Tvard Sendall
Oh my yes!

That's exactly what they a good for. So, should anybody be inclined to sell such things, please contact me first, and we shall discuss prices.

-Chalais mac Donovan Quintella
I have been in service to the Baron of geistbadden for some time and am unaware of unsavory fellows you may have met. Whom would be opposed to Charley and want obvious murder and heinous act rituals with those initials?
