Seeking Trackers and Kin for a hunting party


Greetings former adventurers,

Many of you may be hard pressed to find work in zee days ahead with your line of work being made illegal.

Zat said, big game hunting is not illegal and I propose zat we do just that. Form a hunting party for a large predator animal which has taken up residence in wayside.

I need all hunters, trackers, kin with refined noses and people who would otherwise wind up sitting at home without work.

I vill pay you for your skill of course and perhaps we will find a bit of excitement to boot.

Let me know if you are interested, space is limited.

Jehan Wyldweaver
Chancellor of Celestial Affairs for his Majesties Royal Guild of Magics.
Jehan if I have time from my other duties and you have a use for a healer, I am more than willing to join you. And I would not need any pay for my healing skills.

Please let me know when this will happen and if I am needed.

In Service,

You are in need of a tracker? I could use a couple days away from my cubs. Besides, its been far too long since I have had a good and challenging hunt. Please contact me with what you know about our quarry.

Member, Defenders of the Azure Keep
Warrior of the Tribe of the White Tail
If you are in need of a master tracker, especially when it comes to great beast, I am always available for hire. I've hunted yetis, bears, great stags, and other large beast. I'm sure I could help with something, for a nice price of course. Is Badwolf still in town? He spent a month with me in the mountains a few winters back; if not him, what about Gorka and Kendra, now they were fine hunters.

Jason Spade
Nahani !

Glad to have you my friend! Yes I need your skillz big time.

Mr. Spade,

Please contact me privately about your prices.

As for bad vulf, Kendra, and gorka...zee last two met their ends, heroically from vat I hear. I know for a fac Kendra gave up her body in exchange for zee safety of zee people she most cared for. Bad Vulf haz not been seen in a while... Zere was a duel last year he was fine when last I saw him but not quite ready to run with us! I'd love to see him.


Jehan Wyldweaver
pebbles go with you. pebbles good tracker. and hit tangs hard...what we huntin?

Pebbles, and all those that came with on this "hunt"

You have my thankz and zee thanks of zee kin and tribesmen of Wayside. It was a hard hunt...but we were successful and our sacrifices were not in vain.

Jehan W
It seems to me that in our zest to solve one problem, we have failed to solve another as the full weight that was born by one is now born by one of our own instead. This of course happened so we could fix another one of our own that had previously taken on a dangerous weight and was not able to carry it. Nothing has truly been solved yet, only the emergency of the moment has been held off.

Pebbles, I would like to see you in a few weeks time so I can be near when you learn the full weight of what you have accepted.


You are very correct indeed, but unfortunate things are needed at times.
I will be helping Pebbles along on this path but I would accept your help and I bet Pebbles would too.

Of course Tets, I will be glad to travel to where ever you and Pebbles decide appropriate when the time comes.

enan- pebbles think sacrifaces are ready and required to move forward. we did solve one tang...we saved Liddia and we found da wolf tribe totem...we can work ta rebuild their tribe in the fight to restore balance so dat da crow clan dont kill all...

i know not what in store for me....i felt white paws feelings and i not look forward to what will happen to me...but tets, you and jehan all say da help me. pebbles strong willed and brave, i accept dis for da good of da will resolve but not wadout sacriface
