Sellin' Off Stuff!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey everyone! It's Silp!

So, I've got a bunch of stuff that I don't really need, so I'm gonna sell it to the folks that actually have a use for it!

As far as Local components go, I've got eight: four Local Penna, three Local Jetsam, and one of those special Local "Omni-Components" that you can use as any kind of component! How does 1 gold each for the normal ones and 3 gold for the Omni one sound?

As far as Travelin' components go, I've got eleven: three Cariosus, two Feyander, two Heartstone, one Wand, one Penna, one Jetsam, and one Nightshade! Is two and a half gold for each of these fair?

As far as ritual scrolls go, I've got four: a Resonance, a Universal Speech, a Circle Lock, and a Preserve Duration! The first three might not be very exciting, but I know the Preserve is pretty nice! If you want any of 'em, make me an offer!

As far as fancy crafty stuff goes, I have four: two samples of Infused Valerian Root, and two samples of Shining Drake Scales! If you want any of 'em, make me an offer!

As far as fancy potions go, I have two Slow Death Potions that'll make a person take one minute longer to dissipate when they're dead! If you want 'em, make me an offer!

As far as weapons go, I have seven: five Silvered Two-Handed Swords, one Silvered Long Sword, and one Silvered Short Sword! 2 gold each!

As far as magic items go... I don't have anythin' to sell right now! Sorry 'bout that!

Oh, and a Spell Shield battle magic scroll, for good measure!

So, let me know if you're interested in any of my stuff!

On another note, I'm still gatherin' up copper to give out and spread goodwill across Wayside, so if you have spare copper, I'll buy 'em from you! So far, I've given out 465 copper, and I figure there's no real reason to stop! So yeah, if you have ten copper, I'll trade you a silver for 'em! If you have 50 copper, I'll trade you seven silver for 'em!

On another another note, if anyone would be interested in makin' me some clothes in exchange for some gold, I'd be interested in talkin' with you about that!

~ Silp

I'll gladly take the local components as I am trying to build up a stock pile for healing purposes during our expected upcoming battle with Kaz'ik I'll take the omni comp as well so Arkemides stops yelling at me for messing up his ritual casting plans.

I'll have to take a look to see how much copper is hiding our gold at the moment I may have a donation for you.

-Lord Barrister Enan Bluewater
That sounds good, Enan! I'll make sure to have the Local components for you!

Oh, also: I have an offer for 4 gold for the Resonance, 4 gold for the Universal Speech, and 4 gold for the Circle Lock! If you want any of those scrolls more than the person biddin' that much, let me know your offer!

~ Silp
Hey since letters don't getcher attention, if nobody offered better I'll do 15 gold on da Preserve.

How long will bidding go on until?

- Eric
Hi GRONK! Sorry for not gettin' back to you before! I'm sorta lookin' for more than that for the Preserve, if that's alright! We can talk more about that when we get into town together if you're still interested!

Hi Eric! It's not really a formal auction or anythin', so I'm just gonna be sellin' stuff until someone makes me an offer that I think is good!

~ Silp
Yeah, GRONK tought you might, but I ain't gonna open wit my max price. We'll talk in a couple days.
