Selling Arcane Armor via Dream Realm Auction


Not all of you know me, but some of you do. I have yet to travel to your lands, but plan to later this season.

I have an earth aspected, 20pt Arcane Armor item. It's magic will travel the mists quite easily, and not fade away for almost 3 years. The item itself is very portable, and can easily fit in almost any pouch, it is not made of metal and it has no flaws.

I will conduct the auction solely via the dream realm, until midnight of the 3rd day, roughly 84 hours from now. Please bid here or if you prefer a silent bid, send me a pigeon and I will update this dream. If any other non- Wayside dreamers see this message and which to participate, feel free, we can arrange delivery. I am simply posting here, since it is the next market day, and I don't want the magics to fade too far before the item is put to good use.

As I am not travelling to your lands, I will be contracting with Durk, of the House of Games, to handle delivery of item and to take payment.

The opening bid is 30gp.

Good hunting,
Cpl. Syver Olafson
Dark Tide Armada
Hi Syver Olafson! I'm Silp! I'll bid the 30 gold!

My armor's gonna run out later this year, so it'd be good to have another one. If I end up winning this one, I'll let other people borrow it until mine runs out! It'd be silly for me not to!

What's it look like? You said it isn't metal, which is good 'cause that's gross, but I'm just curious.

~ Silp
a small wooden pot.

Ooh, cool! Thanks!

~ Silp
Private bid of 35 has been accepted.
Please accept my bid of 40 gold. I can have that at the tavern on Friday.

-Biff Sterling, Adventurer... AT LAAAAARGE!!! :D
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Private bid of 45 gold has been entered.
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I have received multiple requests for clarification on the end timing of this auction. It will end Thursday night at midnight before Friday morning. I apologize for any confusion.

I would also recommend to those looking to swoop in at the last minute, I would place a "highest allowed bid" with me privately. Since I have a few people bidding secretly, and I wont be able to update everything instantly. While the Auction will end at midnight, if someone publicly swoops in at +1 gold at 11:59 over the private bid, but there is sufficient reserve privately, the private bid will win.

8 hours left to bid.

1 fatted cow, 5 sheep, 6 chickens

Lou - a Grain Farmer

I vill give you 5 gold for that.

Jehan T Wyldweaver.
I cannot accept your bid.
Jehan values it at only 5 gold, which is less than the current auction price for the armor.

45 gold is the winner.

Thank you to everyone who bid.

Lou, I am still interested...if you vant to make a deal.

Nah, Although if you can throw in one of them fancy magic armors, just need one to go sock my neighbor in the jaw. He keeps goats you see, they eat all my grain. Stupid goat farmers!

The Arcane thingamajig may have been a bit much.


I vill give you a magic armor...although I vould ask zee opportunity to help you resolve zee dispute fairly. One of my close friends, Cyn Rose, may be excellently placed to find a just compromise.

May ve visit?

Sure, if you important adventurers have time for that.

Lou is my new best friend. Sorry everybody.

-Banradi Irani Moduri