Not all of you know me, but some of you do. I have yet to travel to your lands, but plan to later this season.
I have an earth aspected, 20pt Arcane Armor item. It's magic will travel the mists quite easily, and not fade away for almost 3 years. The item itself is very portable, and can easily fit in almost any pouch, it is not made of metal and it has no flaws.
I will conduct the auction solely via the dream realm, until midnight of the 3rd day, roughly 84 hours from now. Please bid here or if you prefer a silent bid, send me a pigeon and I will update this dream. If any other non- Wayside dreamers see this message and which to participate, feel free, we can arrange delivery. I am simply posting here, since it is the next market day, and I don't want the magics to fade too far before the item is put to good use.
As I am not travelling to your lands, I will be contracting with Durk, of the House of Games, to handle delivery of item and to take payment.
The opening bid is 30gp.
Good hunting,
Cpl. Syver Olafson
Dark Tide Armada
Not all of you know me, but some of you do. I have yet to travel to your lands, but plan to later this season.
I have an earth aspected, 20pt Arcane Armor item. It's magic will travel the mists quite easily, and not fade away for almost 3 years. The item itself is very portable, and can easily fit in almost any pouch, it is not made of metal and it has no flaws.
I will conduct the auction solely via the dream realm, until midnight of the 3rd day, roughly 84 hours from now. Please bid here or if you prefer a silent bid, send me a pigeon and I will update this dream. If any other non- Wayside dreamers see this message and which to participate, feel free, we can arrange delivery. I am simply posting here, since it is the next market day, and I don't want the magics to fade too far before the item is put to good use.
As I am not travelling to your lands, I will be contracting with Durk, of the House of Games, to handle delivery of item and to take payment.
The opening bid is 30gp.
Good hunting,
Cpl. Syver Olafson
Dark Tide Armada