Selunari Silent Auction Year 2

Nate/Nyio Sorn

Wisconsin Staff
Greetings adventurers one and all.

It's getting close to that time of the year where your favorite traveling merchant will be making its way to your lovely establishment for the Selunari yearly silent auction. Since this will be your second year participating in this auction, I’ll go ahead and explain how it works as some may have forgotten or there are new faces in town. On the evening of the 29th day of the 3rd month, I will personally be there to set up some tables and our one of a kind circle of power. On the tables will be an assortment of wonderful, fantastic, and unique items for sale. Each item will be labeled and you will know what each effect that is placed on these items are. The circle of power will be open for all to enter. All items will be locked to the circle and may not leave it. You can pick up the items to look at them but please I would ask you to place it back where you got it from.

Now for the silent auction part. How this will work is when anyone enters the circle of power, they will be given a small vision of a number that will represent your silent auction bidding number. You will use this number when you write on the auction form next to each item. This number is specific to the individual so no one will have the same one.

Also, I will have a couple extra empty tables for you all to place items in which you might want to try and sell to other fellow adventurers or even those who may wander into your village and see something they might like. I will have blank auction forms for anyone who wishes to place an item on the table. Once you enter an item onto the table, it will become part of the auction and can not be removed until after it closes. The Auction will close around the evening time when you will be having your meal. At this point, I will return and will name off the auction winners by their number for each item. As seen last year, there was a good turn out and I was in need of help. So this year I will bring with me some helpers to speed along the process. Once the auction ends at that time, all winning sales are final and are required to present the winning amount to me before receiving the item. I then will present the winner with their wonderful item and if the seller is owed payment I will give them their share once the auction is over.

If you choose to place an item on a table for auction and it sells, the terms for the sale is that I am to receive 10% of the winning bid price. If an item does not sell, the owner may choose to allow me to take it with me as I travel across the lands, and try to sell it to other villages that I associate with.

I look forward to this yearly auction and seeing all you wonderful adventurers in over a month. Let this be the first of many auctions to come.

–Your favorite Traveling Selunari Merchant

(OOG Notes: This will also be explained at PC talk to make sure everyone understands how it will work. Also, this is a chance for anyone who wishes to bring anything in period to sell to other players or even plot. Plot can participate with the auction and will bid on items as well as NPCs come into town. Anyone who participates in the bring your own item portion of the auction will be rewarded with 200 gobbies per item brought up to 600 gobbies. If you wish to bring an item for auction, please email plot with how many items and what they are.)