Sept 2024 Post Game Announcements


Virginia Staff
Good morning everyone,

Thank you all for attending our EPIC 3 DAY event, it was filled with a lot of high intensity roleplay and emotional scenes.

Hope everyone is taking care of themselves, hydrating, and resting as you are able.

Please be mindful of things you may be experiencing such as Drop and Bleed (⁠out-of-game⁠) and check in with friends!

For this week, we do ask that players give the Staff and Plot Team space to recover – this includes refraining from messaging us regarding anything related to the game.

We have jobs, family, and lots of obligations to catch up on after an extra long weekend too!

Now for a few announcements!!

~Sept Post Event Letter (PEL)~

Thank you to ALL who came out to our **EPIC Sept 3 day event**!!
We'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings of where we did well and where we could improve.
Earn 30 Goblin Stamps when you complete your survey!

Sept 2024 PEL (click here!)


Per our delightful Head of Plot (Bucky):
"Alliance VA will currently not be running a normal Winter IBGA session. Instead, the Plot Team will focus on crafting a series of world level stories that will currently drop every month or so to show the results of this season's conflict (and more!). This will also allow the Plot Team to finish updating all the Alliance VA Plot information which will result in a Tel'Vania primer for new/existing players and updated information for all local Species packets."

~Alliance VA Nov Event CANCELED~
Due to the difficulty of sites winterizing and booking up, the VA staff has decided to cancel our November 15, 2024 - November 17, 2024 event.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will continue to look into options for future seasons for more games.