September 22nd Work Day Tasks


Let's start a list now of things that need to be done/cleaned/fixed/added to the site on the work day. I'll go over the list the monday before and order/buy things we need to perform tasks, but it would be good to know what we need!

Tasks (Starred Tasks will be done at a higher priority)

*1.) Kill the Wasps - Multiple nesting sites around the Tavern are not okay.
*2.) Clean Current Trail, Lengthen
3.) Cut additional trail/Glade - Likely into woods from Driveway
4.) Brick Firepit
5.) Cabin Construction (Should be done by Hired Contrators, just adding it to my list)
6.) Monster Camp inventory - Specifically noting make up/costuming additions and resupplies needed.
7.) Kitchen/Bath/General - Cleaning supplies and such inventory
8.) Monster Camp Cleaning - Costume check/washing as needed.
*9.) Door installation - Door installation on the Monster Camp Bathroom, for additional facilities.
10.) Potential Quotes taken for dedicated shower room in basement (Drain and plumbing is already there, would eliminate closest, enclose and add door for room holding only a shower.
11.) Removal of 'front stump' from basement exit.
*12.) Shower Curtain installation, Monster camp
13.) Washer Repair, Monster Camp (Need to look into a quote for a service call for this)
*14.) Constrution and distribution of donated shelves - Likely to upstairs bathroom and monster camp locations to get off the 'pile on the floor' system some what.
15.) Loot rep construction - Slotting potions in vials, printing/wrapping scrolls etc.

Please post other things I'm missing/might need to consider for this Workday, I hope everyone is excited to make our site better!

Also, the following donations will receive a 25% 'work day' goblin bonus (and MI picks are based of awarded goblins for donations that are worth 250 or more remember!), please let us know ahead of time if you would like to donate!

1.) Workday Nom (That's geek for food) Donations
2.) Door Donation (1, interior door with attachment hardware)
3.) Cash (That's 5 Goblin bucks/Stamps per Dollar!) - Yes we need flat currency for some repairs, Gas refills, etc.
4.) Additional Make up and rep supplies, ordered within one week of the work day (list pending after workday)
You're rewarding 5 bucks per dollar donated? Man, maybe I should go to the work day.
KyleSchmelz said:
You're rewarding 5 bucks per dollar donated? Man, maybe I should go to the work day.

I didn't say what KIND of bucks....fixed :-p
Dang it Kyle! I had just finished cashing in all my bonds, paying the penalties on my IRA's early withdrawal and borrowed against all my assets to make a massive "invesment donation".... I am soooo mad at you. :P

Bur seriously, can we donate money towards the door, or a specific project in lieu of driving out of state?

AllianceCHI said:
Dang it Kyle! I had just finished cashing in all my bonds, paying the penalties on my IRA's early withdrawal and borrowed against all my assets to make a massive "invesment donation".... I am soooo mad at you. :P

Bur seriously, can we donate money towards the door, or a specific project in lieu of driving out of state?


Indeed you can, With the caveat that any donation that goes to a project that proves to not be feasible to complete within 6 months will see that donation used in the general operating funds. (So that $5 donation to '8 Story wizard tower' will eventually be used)

It's actually my intention to open a few specific Project Funds on our website closer to the end of the year so you'll be able to donate specifically towards the addition you want to see most. (Just want to be able to list specific target amounts for when things will happen)
I just want to start the rotating sun shade disk fund.

I will be bringing the four wheeler again. Also I have dozens of red bricks we can use around the fire pit if you want them.
The Sletten family will NOT be at this work day. Sorry :( Back when the work day was scheduled for the 15th, my hubby booked a camping weekend on Aug 22 & 23 for just the tune of us. So, I guess I had best spend that weekend with him. :wub2:

Y'all try and not have too much fun without us ;)
Don't worry Paul, I'm sure you could write some sort of IG contract stating that you take all of the credit for the project. You could use your sneaky hobling ways to conceal it with fine print or something. :P Or just build it in secret, perhaps you could commission some dwarves to do it for you. :whistle:
Let me know what chemicals you need for cleaning. I'll hook you up.
I sense that after this workday there will be giant bees coming from monster camp.
The bees have been making nests in the hollows of the retaining wall blocks. As Nathan discovered when he picked one up.
Is it one hive or multiple though? When we found the first one in the rocks, quite a fee appeared. However, from observing, they weren't there later. Then the wood wall to the right of the door, it seemed the "swarm" moved over there. If it made any difference, there was a large piece of a a nest in the middle of the field, like it was knocked down from someplace recently (not the one on the door), that could have started the "moving to new location" they were displaying.

Not that it matters when we remove them, but I'm fairly certain they were Hornets. Regardless, will be glad to see them gone.
There are four seperate hives I'm aware of.
It's too soon to tell if I will be there that day, but I do have a Monster Camp Inventory that was updated about a year and a half ago. It's definitely time for an update. If I can't make it, I will make sure someone gets a printed copy so it can be updated.

G.O.T.S - General Organizer of Things and Stuff (I'm going to make this stick...I just know it! :) )
Getting excited, please if you intend to donate anything large (like a door) contact me ASAP as I'm going shopping this evening for such things.