September 523 Rumors

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
“I know we had a bit of a dry summer this year, but it’s been raining for weeks now. Anivia Amberheart has been working day in and day out researching the storm, but it isn’t looking good. Every Foresee the Weather comes back with the same result - rain, rain, and more rain - and every time she tries to make it out to sea to affect the source, another Scream of Alkonosts shows up, whips up another gale, and undoes what little she’s been able to do.”

“Wait, a group of Alkonosts is called a Scream? Wouldn’t it make more sense for a group to be called a Chorus?”

“A Chorus makes them sound like a GOOD thing, though.”


“Well, after nearly thirty years, Duke Noktavich of Passwall was recovered from the depths of the undead occupation, but he didn’t make it out alive. Most folks weren’t really expecting to ever see him alive again by this point, but it’s still sad nonetheless. Do you know any more about how it all went down?”

“Nah, the crown hasn’t made public statements about the affair, but I did hear from the guards that saw Sir Euron return with the Duke’s body that he looked exactly the same as the day he went missing. Decades later, and the man hadn’t aged a day. That isn’t natural for a human like him.”


“During the Troll War, I was skin and bone, now I’m plump as an autumn goose! I can’t get enough of Baroness Bancroft’s generosity! Thank you so much!”


“The Pale Navy swears to uphold justice out on the ocean, but they’re not up against crime anymore - they’re up against a force of nature, and they’re losing the battle. Ris’sunus rules the sea now.”


“Well, Golden Clank money has lost its value. Apparently they overprinted their promissory notes and lost a huge chunk of their debt born assets, and human resources took an enormous hit before they discontinued their own currency.

“Wait, so all my savings are worth nothing?!”

“No, they’re still honoring promissory notes up to certain serial numbers. But I’d get them all traded for hard coin as soon as possible. Who knows when they’ll stop honoring them altogether.

“Now I really regret stockpiling them. Darn it all, I knew I should have known only gold and moridium keeps its value…”


“Heard rumors they were planning on building an orphanage without any adults.”

“Don’t be silly, how would that even be possible? Kids don’t really do well managing other kids.”


“Hey, that scarecrow by the Drop Inn is gone! Goooooood riddance! That thing was creepy as all get-out.”


“Duke Alice gave the Golden Clank Conglomerate a deadline to pay their debts and honor their promissory notes or the company assets will be forcefully seized, and they’ll even have to pay the Duke for sorting out their private affairs. This might be it for the Golden Clank!”

“We’ll see. I’m sure they have plenty squirreled away somewhere the Duke can’t touch it.”

“Let a man dream, Bob.”


“I saw one of them awful red pirate ships dock on the mainland recently, and if that wasn’t strange enough, I saw them filthy Langoso pirates disembark and meet up with Lady Whisperwind for some reason! She didn’t look nervous, though. Them Blackmoon Sentinels ain’t afraid of no cannibals, it seems.”


“Red, green, blue, purple, black… I wonder if the swamps will ever reach the point of a full rainbow of Carbuncles. I reckon it’s only a matter of time before the next mutation surfaces. I wonder what causes them to form new colorations anyway.”


"Glug, and I cannot stress this enough, Glug."


“It’s rare to see the Royal Court Wizard hunkered down in his study like this for so long. He’s usually flitting out and about from place to place to place, but he seems determined to stay put until he figures out whatever he’s working on. He actually had to get a bunch of provisions delivered to the place - he usually keeps a very barebones storeroom, since he usually just rifts wherever he wants to get whatever he wants whenever he wants it, after all. It's kind of his thing."


"Did ya hear the Blackmoon Sentinels caught the folks who have been poachin’ dragons? Some of 'em are locked up in the maximum security Rosen dungeons. Guess ya gotta be pretty dangerous yerself to hunt dragons."


“A bag of coin randomly fell out of the sky onto Benicio’s lap Monday morning, almost literally. He was sleeping on the side of the street and woke up when he felt the pouch land on him. Didn’t see where it came from at all, but apparently, it was enough to buy his house back.”

“He isn’t alone. Anonymous donors are showing up all over the place. Half the Golden Clank’s debtor prisons have been completely emptied. Hopefully some of that money’ll show up on my doorstep, too!”


“My wife and I were out for an evening walk on one of the rare clearer nights, and we heard the sound of a harp playing. But when we went to where the sound was coming from, we saw a woman without any eyes basking in the moonlight! We got out of there pretty quick after that.”


“Several death row inmates mysteriously disappeared from a prison in East Passwall. Count Tillbane is offering rewards for information that leads to their capture, and more if you bring them back, dead or alive.”


“Researcher Yanick presented Angeline the First’s gall stone at the auditorium of Oracle and was able to prove Angeline was slowly poisoned to death, but still got dyed off the stage. Apparently even significant historical findings won’t get you anywhere if everyone hates you.”


“All of Cinem has been getting ready for the Days of Golden Harvest celebrations. Hopefully all the rain won’t put too much of a damper on things, for both the people and the Fae.”


"The Miranda family sold off seventeen wagons, and eleven of their lower margin properties at the fairest prices I've ever seen. What happened that they had to recoup their losses?"


“Has it just been me, or has anyone else seen big, purple flashes of light pulse out across the ocean’s surface sometimes at night?”

“I haven’t seen that, but I have seen a yellowy-white light shining from below the water flare up from time to time, usually followed by the whole sky lighting up with huge arcs of lightning. It’s beautiful, in a terrifying kind of way.”

"The purple light is definitely more serene than frightening."