September Event Breakdown Reports & post-event logistics


Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
Total PCs: 21
Total NPCs: 18

Race Breakdown (PC):
Barbarian - 2
Dryad - 1
Dwarf - 1
Elf - 5
High Ogre - 1
High Orc - 2
Human - 1
Mystic Wood Elf - 3
Sarr - 1
Scavenger - 4
Total PCs: 21

Class Breakdown (PC):
Adept - 1
Fighter - 9
Rogue - 2
Scholar - 6
Scout - 1
Templar - 2
Total PCs: 21

Gender (Total)
Female: 16
Male : 23
Re: September Event Breakdown Reports

You're missing a Dryad Templar (Rayna).
Re: September Event Breakdown Reports

Whoops. That zero should have been a one. Fixed now.
I will have all of the post-event logistics done tonight. Event blankets applied for PCs and NPCs, event credit notification sent to other logistics teams, awarding goblin stamps, etc.

Gettysburg-based characters will be ready for transfer requests to other events by this evening as well.

Gettysburg Logistics
Thanks Tyson! I was just gonna ask you about sending updated cards out. :lol: Can you just send mine right over to Jersey? The fairday is saturday.
Event credit emails have been sent to respective logistics committees.

I need to check with Rich about teacher cards. I saw there were some character cards deposited at logistics with teacher information, but I don't have those with me. For future events, we're going to use separate Teacher cards and provide a drop box where they can be left any time during the weekend. If you were taught a skill (by PC or NPC) please contact me and I'll see about fixing things.

As always if you have any questions about your character or player status, goblin stamps, etc. please feel free to contact me.
Were Wylderkin not Scavengers anymore!! :thumbsup:

Fantastic game again guys, can't wait to try to come back sometime! :)