September event cancelled!

THE EVENT IS CANCELLED BECAUSE OF THE WEATHER. If you want to take your event credit and use it for the October event, just let us know!

1. Heidi Hooper (Zatarina)
2. Eric Stehle (Ivan)
3. David DeMartino + year membership + $10 food donation
4. Amy Resele (Larien) USED FOR OCTOBER
5. Michelle Stagnitta
6. David Tengdin USED FOR OCTOBER
7. Sarah Heimbach USED FOR OCTOBER
8. Sheila Haswell (Kremhild) + year membership USED FOR OCTOBER
9. Krista Rozanski
10. Joseph Richie USED FOR OCTOBER
11. Tom Haswell (Ulthoc)
12. Patrick Malone
13. Jessica Brown (Aven) USED FOR OCTOBER
14. Brian Bender (Ignatius) USED FOR OCTOBER
15. Caleb Shaw + event membership USED FOR OCTOBER
16. Mike Engler USED FOR OCTOBER
17. Bill Gibbs
18. Drew Resele USED FOR OCTOBER
19. Thomas Wilson + $20 food donation Prelogisted
20. Sam Owens (Dorian) USED FOR OCTOBER
21. Scott Kondrk (Drak) Prelogisted
22. Dee Kondrk (Drifa)
23. Tyson Weise + $10 late payment fee USED FOR OCTOBER
24. Justin Coggin ( event credit used) USED FOR OCTOBER

1. Kyle Spriggle
2. Maggie Lee
3. Daniel Perez
4. Alex Koziak
5. Dave Erhardt
6. Joshua Berit + year membership
7. Mike Strauss + $5 food donation

Earth: David Tengden

Phoenix: Jessica Brown
Gryphon: Nordenn

Other donations
Timothy Pillsbury: $50 food committee
Re: Pre-reg for the September event

Maggie is NPCing. I'll be PCing, just need to pre-reg.
Re: Pre-reg for the September event

I will be NPCing
Re: Pre-reg for the September event

Blythedale npc what What!
Re: Pre-reg for the September event

I'm hoping to PC as Rayna, but I'm not sure if I have off work yet... the schedule for that week goes up this wednesday, so if all goes well I'll pre-reg wednesday or thursday!

UPDATE: I am coming too! Just paid for the weekend! :)
Re: Pre-reg for the September event

I'm PCing but the character I play depends on what happens in my writeup :)
Re: Pre-reg for the September event

As noted please be sure to put me down for the 'earth' private room. :)
Re: Pre-reg for the September event

Jon-Paul and Tracey are NPCing.

I'm intending to PC as Ulthoc... *cough cough writeup cough*
Re: Pre-reg for the September event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

I didn't make the August event and said to forward that pre-reg to September but my name isn't on the list.
Re: Pre-reg for the September event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

If make it will be npcing
Re: Pre-reg for the September event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

As of right now, it's looking more likely that I will NOT be able to make this event... :( Away football game with the band on Friday, in addition to being anxious about needing weekend time for lesson planning, cause it's only the second/third week of school.

Maybe I'll make the October event? I'm dying to play a fall event as a dryad! I have special leaves and everything!! So if anything changes last minute I'll let you know (and we would just be able to forward my August pre-reg.)
Re: Pre-reg for the September event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

I'm in. That gives us sheila (Krim), Mike (Tehlok), me (Ulthoc), and Patrick (yuri) for a cabin... so can Nordenn get our usual? Thanks!

** I didn't forget about you Kris, but I know you usually try for other sleeping arrangements. If you want to be with the cool kids though, we can certainly fit you in... Harrison won't be there taking up space. :-)
Re: Pre-reg for the September event: DEADLINE TODAY

Brian and I will be PCing (Iggy & Aven). Josh Berit will be joining us but as an NPC.
Re: Pre-reg for the September event: DEADLINE TODAY

Pc-ing. Amaranthus
Re: Pre-reg for the September event: DEADLINE TODAY

Re: Pre-reg for the September event: DEADLINE TODAY

Event membership paid. Like Jess said I'll be NPCing.
Re: Pre-reg for the September event: DEADLINE TODAY

The weekend holiday messed up some people who probably didn't realize it was the end of pre-registering. You can still pay but you'll have to add the $10 door fee -- and don't pay after Wednesday because we may not get it updated in time and then Logistics won't realize you had already paid.

And don't forget -- if everyone would just pitch in $5, the food budget could be covered fairly easily. Come on, you spend more on that on food for an entire weekend even if you just stayed at home!
Re: Pre-reg for the September event: DEADLINE TODAY

Logistics note.

i have recently been made aware two email addresses for various chapters logistics i had used were no longer in use by those chapters so ill be going back late tonight to see to it those credits are added.

This weekend i will be at logistics friday night and saturday morning. my new job has me in at one oclock saturday. we will have logistivs staffed and covered however if you are going to arrive after saturday morning please let me know asap.

With weather, moving, and hour and a half commute i am 2-3 days behind in responses that will be remedied late tonight. my sincere appologies. Real life just keeps happening!

Thank you all for making this game so much fun. your all a constsnt reminder of what a true community is.

