September Event Favorite Moments


So, this is a regular thing, and it shall be so! Post your favorite event memories!

I'll go first.

1) My ritual "failing," that brought out Gypsy Zeth. Seriously, it's an alter-ego now. Also, how the ritual casting RP changed so drastically that Renner nearly died laughing while marshaling it. It was so awesome, especially when May and March started shaking jinglies for "music" for Zeth to channel. Best rituals ever.

2) Giving Bond-Legion the gift of Life because he was "rescued", and quickly being pummeled. What the heck. Stop confusing us, Plot!

3) Being there for the mod that opened Temperance and Ruin. Seeing that side of Ghost was pretty amazing.

4) Zeth and Tanis heading to cabins, and Tanis randomly checking a tree lair card.

Tanis getting struck by lightning and both of us going to MC. With neither of us having armor.

5) Watching Teth touch the same tree later that day. Saying "Oh, yeah, that's a thing." "Then why the hell didn't you say anything?!" Hilarity.
1. Singing with Darian (sp), the bard. I look forward to more bardic fun with him.
2. Paying Darian to 'announce' Maven's every move. LMAF
3 Hanging with the Orcs. Those guys can par-tay!
1: Having the Goblin Assault before dinner just after our entire troupe decided to NOT dawn our Plate Armour....
2: Watching a Bard bravely run away.
1)The hole of undead three groups fell into only moments apart.
2)Jacob's biata.
3)A very angry Dryad looking for her missing eye and assuming we had it. Which lead to her trying to death us.
Maealas, I am so sorry, that last one was our fault.... Why?

1. The slightly less angry Dryad barging into the tavern and demanding her missing eye be returned. As she left, she slammed the door, and one person with their back to the door thought she had run into the door because she couldn't see, which resulted in fits of giggles from everyone there while me and my Dryad friend looked on helplessly mortified and waiting to DIE when the Dryad came back. (Which she did not. She went to you instead.)


2. Discussions around the smoke pit with Bones about desirable traits in orc women (the ability to eat two chickens at once, grease running down their chin, skin stuck to their tusks) and orcish mating habits (not to be discussed around young children).

3. Duet with the bard while watching goblin head golf.

4. Discovering how useful a shield really is. (My first time as a shield totally-not-a-fighter.)
1. People talking about Cael on Friday evening. It was way more difficult than I thought it would be to hear people talking about him with me playing Durnic.
2. The answer I gave the Herald about why I want to join the House of Fate and Fury. Pretty sure I blew her away.
3. Goblin head golf was damned hilarious and an excellent exercise in keeping my "serious face" on.
4. Not going to lie, I loved the compliments about the swords and Durnic's garb. I'm glad people are appreciating it all.
5. RP with Hava is always a joy.
6. Using my Teacher skill more as Durnic in one weekend then I did as Cael in the entire 18 months he was alive.
1) The orcs had a blast. So many compliments on costumes, roleplaying and just the need for people to be around them. I felt flattered and amused... that so many people were willing to be targets of the orcs' abuse.
2) Speaking of abuse... the names we started to call people and then having them stick! I don't know who plays "Whiskers" but... I am so so sorry!
3) The raccoons... I mean ferrets... I mean skunks... I mean squirrels... I mean... (Always so nice to be around the lady Raccoons. Always hilarious. Always awesome.)
4) The glares that we got from the Dwarven PCs. Seriously, the Orcs had said to them "Just give us a reason to murder you" more than once. Oh man... Racial Bad Blood is always awesome!
5) Being charmed by a Savage Horde goblin and MURDERING THE PCS! Shane Renner said "Yeah, we aren't killing blow active" and I said "Funny... I am..." (Yeah, that was a lot of fun.)
6) After the charm wore off and Ripper and I are behind enemy lines... looking at Ghost, waving my hands, trying to get her attention in order to attack... and then RIPPING INTO THE GOBLINS!
7) Same fight... running up behind the enemy and being all "Hey guys! What can I do to help?" only to have Ben's NPC be like... You can stand right there and let me kill you... then attacking him, running to our lines and saying "I guess that trick only works once." to which I got a couple of laughs from my allies. Good times.
8) The shenanigans at the smokers pit. Seriously. That was some hilarious conversation.
9) Goblin Head Golf. But more importantly when Dry Rot kicks the head and it misses. To which the elf whispers in my ear "Yeah, I don't mean to sound rude, but the elf hit the head further." At which point I say that line out loud and Dry Rot charges me, tackles me and tries to wrestle me to the ground. Jeff says "Fade to Black: I will choke you out until you give up" and I reply "Properly phys rep that, b****!" And I get on all fours, lift him up from the ground with my OOG strength and slam him behind me.... Hey... the Orcs don't mess around man. We got to prove our dominance or else we get the shaft!
10) Finally... making plans for goblin head dodge ball next event. Yes. This will happen. Saturday night. After dinner. One to Three giant games. (No skills mind you. So Hobblings, keep your dodges to yourself!)

I had a blast. So much that I am inviting all my friends from Salt Lake to caravan up. It will be glorious when there are 15-20 orcs... Yes. So much good.
I'm already aiming for 11 Raccoons.

Just sayin'
Hey everyone I had a great time (I play Seek or whiskers as my brother named me to annoy me oog I think). anyway here is my highlights
1. seeing everyone again, in my first few games Ive enjoyed just watching as people rp in awesome ways
2. helping my brother figure out what he was doing in his first Larp ever (he was the ogre)
3. also the conversation i had with Roan (sorry if i misspelled your name) was fun and challenging to me as someone fairly new to rp
over all thanks for the great weekend guys
Another great game! Thanks to everyone for the excellent roleplay and the interesting interactions.
Also, thanks for not executing me again! You'll get your chance. ;)
Things I enjoyed the hell out of:
1. Nova sticking up for the little guy. One day she'll eat those words, but I love the character and the role she plays.
2. Plot absolutely destroying my expectations in the best way. I've never had a plot team endeavor to make my characters feel relevant and cater to my IG choices and desires at all. It's a lot of fun, and really awesome to see a story more intricate than: Town smashes the bad guys, episode XII.
3. Getting up to trouble... Oh god, the trouble.
4. Avisto Fox being a kiss-***, and Rollin actually hanging out with me IG this time around. I'm sure he enjoyed our roleplay, glad we decided to LARP together.
5. Trying to keep a straight face as Roann anytime Dab opened his stupid mouth.
6. Shin being a decent "human" being despite initial assumptions.
7. Paul/Bones flooding the cabin with his godawful snoring.
8. Dry Rot ending the snoring with: "...killing blow one..."
9. The goblin who pulled my body into the light. You saved me from resurrection by the skin of my teeth, thanks for reverse metagaming. Love it when NPCs put players first. Not just for my benefit. :P
10. Lurking behind enemy lines, totally contributing to the battle and not at all plotting wicked deeds.
11. That damn bard.
12. Orcs.
13. Town getting nearly run-over by the Saturday night assault. I thought for sure everyone was going to res... from my spot out of harm's way.
14. Poor Seek being subjected to Roann's verbal assault.
15. Drunk sociopath adventures. Bear trap tragedy.
16. Revelations.
17. The importance of crop rotation.
18. My new beautiful little map of Calliphestus. Cost most of Roann's wealth, but totally worth it.
19. Mini, and her eagerness to walk the path less traveled.
20. Other things I can't recall just now.
1. Getting to watch Zeth cast a super emotional ritual just because I am a morning person so had already gone to bed.
2. Being the healer who got waaay to into the fight and decided to chase a goblin down with a blunt object, only to end up with the same goblin chasing her back five minutes later.
3. Being a morning person means getting thwaped in the forehead by a pinecone.
4. "What if she got chicken skin stuck in her tusks?"
5. "I can't tell if this is the best meatball I ever had, or I am just that hungry"
1. Almost getting straight up murdalized in the tavern when my hommies from the Golden Emporium finally caught up with me, but given an ultimatum instead.
2. Actually hanging out with Keegan aka Roann tis time around because Avisto learned to put the past where it belongs.
3. Shadowing Nova and learning what it takes to be a leader.
4. Helping open/join the House Base and Reason.
5. Being able to help newbies like Seek be introduced to lovely folks like Roann, and Dab.
Living with Orcs,
Eating a ton of apples including the core and seeds while talking to people,
Cornering and annoying people with talk about farming,
Roann and Dab subtle and silent communication,
Pointing a loaded crossbow at the Inquisitor(?) and later a hooded old man then getting yelled at because it was rude,
Awesome live-action cartography,
Seriously, that crossbow is awesome - it feels menacing,
Mini skulking about with Roann and Dab and Fox being a frenemy,
Learning from Basil and wheeling and dealing,
Being a sneak,

I love my character.
One moment that still sticks in my head was the goblin attack on Saturday afternoon. The legion chant as they came to stomp some face, that was brilliant!