Krystina F
Ok, so this hasn't been started yet, don't know why.... but time to spill....
What were your favorite moments of the event?
What were your favorite moments of the event?
Double-hooking as an undead and respawning into a warded cabin. The looks on everyone's face as I counted "I reform 1... I reform 2..." was honestly pretty damned funny. It was truly an "I'm not stuck in here with you; you're stuck in here with me" moment. I arcane Doom'd the two newest folks next to me and just beat down the third. Coin comes in a little bit later, and, like a boss, decides he's gonna take me on himself. Comes on in, Banes one of my confines, gets sad when I Bane it back then starts shouting as I drop him. I then stood there for a minute or two while no one came to help and I was thankful that this was a playtest, because I didn't want to be the guy to send a bunch of newer players to the Circle. Alas, it was not to be as Raganzi swung into action like a boss and took me down in a great little close quarters fight in the cabin.