September Guest Plot Event Info!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey y’all!

In case you weren’t aware, the Southern Minnesota Alliance LARP September 9th-11th Weekend Event is a special Guest Plot Team event! This means that a group of non-staff players are stepping up to run an event while the ordinary staff gets to step back and PC! All of that said, here’s a bit of event-specific information you should know:

Who’s on the Guest Plot Team anyway?

The Plot Team for this event is composed of Alexander Thompson, Carly Baehr, Kyle Schmelz, Rick Blatz, and Andrea Rye (or the folks that play Gandian/Sarvenius, Fiona/Dagmara, Briar/Liam, Oliver/York, and Gertrude/the late Lilly, if you’re more familiar with them in-game than out-of-game). With a combined total of more than 35 years of LARP experience between the five of us, we like to think you’re in good hands this game!

Where is the in-game setting for this event?

This event is taking place in the western reaches of the Grasslands, the wild plains to the west of Gaden! Specifically, the adventurers are staying at an outpost on the edge of the Ganto Settlement, a loose village in the territory of a small clan of High Ogres. If you're curious about a more exact location in the Sheltered Lands, you can spot the Ganto Settlement on this map.

Wondering why the event is taking place there? In-game information as to why the adventurers are meeting so far away from “home” has been given, so if your character doesn’t know, maybe contact a friend in-game and say “Hey, I heard the adventurers are heading to the Grasslands soon. Why’s that?” (Hint: It has something to do with that pair of stern-looking Sarr that showed up at lunchtime during the August event!)

Are production workshops going to be available for use this event?

Pre-existing workshops may be used for production skills at Logistics on Friday night (representing your character using the workshop before heading out to the Ganto Settlement), but will not be available for use at Logistics on Saturday. Of course, if you purchase or otherwise gain access to a workshop in the Ganto Settlement during the event, you are more than welcome to use that for Logistics on Saturday.

The Weapon Suppression Zone

During this event, you may encounter a particular region where a strange enchantment prevents the usage of weapons! While inside this “Weapon Suppression Zone”, you cannot utilize any tagged weapon or shield as if you no longer possess the appropriate skill to do so. This means you cannot attack or block while inside this area. However, the Claws skill is unaffected, with Claws able to be used without any change. Skills that require a weapon skill to use (Slay, Parry, etc.) cannot be used unless you are using Claws. All other skills (spells, etc.) are unaffected.

It will always be made clear to you by a member of the Plot Team when you are entering/exiting a portion of the Weapon Suppression Zone.

Attention Potionmakers and Alchemists!

If you have at least 1 rank of the Create Potion skill or at least 3 ranks of the Alchemy skill, please see a member of the Plot Team prior to Game-On to receive a piece of information regarding something you may encounter during the event!

How will IBGAs work for this event? (Added 8/22)

Due to the nature of the Guest Plot event and how we only really have knowledge/control Plot-wise over this one event, only IBGAs that are related to the Guest Plot event (preparing for the trip out west, researching things you've heard are in the Grasslands, etc.) will receive responses before this game. That said, these types of IBGAs should be sent to before the deadline of Monday, August 29th at 11:59 PM! We cannot guarantee responses to IBGAs sent past that point, so make sure you get yours sent in before the deadline!

If you have other types of things you would like to look into, those IBGAs will have to wait until the normal Plot team is back in business. We apologize for any inconvenience!


We hope you’re looking forward to this event as much as we are! If you have any questions, please let us know and we will be sure to answer as best we can!

SoMN September Guest Plot Team
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How will IBGAS's work for the guest plot weekend?
Good question! The above post has been edited to include information about Guest Plot 2016 IBGAs!