~September Menu~


Heya folks! It's a friendly neighborhood food making person here with your menu for game!
  • Friday Night
    • Tofu Curry
    • Rice or Potatoes
  • Breakfast
    • Turkey Sausage Gravy
    • Biscuits
    • Hard boiled eggs
  • Lunch
    • Poke Bowl
      • Rice
      • Krab
      • Tofu
      • Hard Boiled Eggs
      • Veggie Assortment
      • Soy sauce
      • Mayo assortment (Plain, spicy, wasabi)
  • Dinner
    • Rotini Pasta w/ tomato sauce.
    • Additionally, whatever leftovers from previous meals.
  • Snacks
    • Fresh Fruits
      • Apples
      • Clementine
    • Toast Bar
      • Peanut Butter
      • Plain & Flavoured Butter
      • Jams & Jellies
Additional accommodations will be available based on needs.

-Dan, a friendly neighborhood food maker.