September Oregon Game After's Location


Wait, no poll? We'll be at Brooks Memorial for this coming game, the nearest town being Goldendale, WA. And, well, there aren't a lot of options in Goldendale...

I'm not incredibly familiar with the area, and welcome suggestions!

I'll be putting in the reservation this Friday {Sept. 2nd}, so if you know of a great place nearby or somewhere we've been in years past, please let me know. I'll update this post accordingly if a better or prefered location is suggested.

**Updtate: Based on prior Afters in the area, Ayulta Mexican Restaurant in Goldendale has been suggested. They have a separate space we're able to use, which sounds perfect. No website, though, so I've linked to the Zomato listing. I'll bring a stack of directions from Brooks with me.

And now for all the usual info.

Some clarification after the first Afters poll post:

1. "Afters" is NOT an official Alliance Oregon "event" or Alliance-sanctioned happening.
It is merely friends getting together after an event to eat, chat, have a good time, and unwind after the Oregon Alliance Games.

2. Everyone is welcome to the Afters gathering. PC's, NPC's, Plot, etc. Come hang out, eat some foodstuffs, and chat ^.^

3. The poll will close two weeks before game so that I can give whatever restaurant is chosen by majority vote enough notice that we'll be descending upon them. {That's May 13th}

Location: Ayutla Mexican Restuaurant -
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