September Rumors around Westhaven


Chicago Staff
It was the strangest thing, I saw a chessboard sitting out on a rock in the woods with a sign that said “Duck wanted”!

--Stay out of the mountains this month! It's dangerous.
--You say that every month.
--Maybe, but this time I mean it.

--I heard some dignitaries will be visiting from the island. The one with the undead and such.
--Can you be more specific?

I heard there is some creepy cat thing in the mountains. Then again, there’s creepy everything in the mountains.

If you see a wight in a blue dress, just keep walking! She won't do anything if you don't get in her way.

These state functions are losing their air of exclusivity, with all the adventurers always worming their way in. Terrible, I say.

A Hobling woman came to my cousin's shop looking for reagents, but she must not have liked the price because when she heard it she pulled a big glass globe out of her pocket and disappeared into thin air!

When I grow up, I wanna be an adventurer just like that Arctic Fox-Kin who came to my village!

My brother's friend is a messenger in the Northlunds and says the Stone Elves started sending their packages by Biata only, no Dwarves. I bet it's because Biata don't hassle you for tips.

Have you been past Crescent Oasis? It's basically a tent city at the moment, but it looks like they're laying foundations for something.

--The Barkskin Dryad, you know, Denise Rosebud, got robbed by a skeleton with a crown on his head yesterday; though luckily she only had 350 copper on her.
-- Don’t you mean she had tree-fiddy copper? Eh. Eh. Get it?!
-- I want a divorce.

I liked that molekin better when he had a tiny shovel; have you seen the one he uses now? Looks expensive.

--I heard Gaden is wonderful this time of year.
--Maybe Bliss will make you go to Gaden!

This goblin came up to me asking how many Cure spells I had cast today. I told him 3 and then he smiled and handed me a piece of paper reading “Ransum Wanted: We have yor Duk!”. I took it out of politeness.

--I saw The Baron of Fairfax showing the Baron of Cresswood something that looked like an evacuation plan.
--So you were eavesdropping?

I heard Princess Vivian’s Birthday party had the best food, best drinks and some wonderful musical entertainment. I wish I could have gone but I had a bun in the oven.

--I used to think there were nine Nine, but I guess it turned out the Nine was only three but they died which made the Nine the None, but now there's at least one Nine but maybe two which makes them each four-and-a-half.
--I'm no expert, but that's almost certainly not how it works.

--I should hire one of those Bard college musicians for my cousin's wedding! … They don't actually eat horses, though, right?
--Nah, if they did that the Duchess would have sent them to the Northlunds ages ago.
If anyone sees that wight let me know immediately. We have business to take care of.

Ignathis Nachtfeuer