All of the updates are out for the upcoming event. Please pay close attention to any messages attached to the updates as there were a lot of memberships that just expired.
The pre-reg deadline for this event is Mon 9/22/08 at midnight. At the door pricing will be required if a COMPLETE pre-reg is not submitted. Please check our policies if you do not know what that entitles.
Logistics for this event will be from 6pm-8pm. This is a change from normal so please be prepared. Also, please try to arrive at logistics as early as possible. We are striving for earlier start times but this cannot be accomplished when everyone shows up at logistics just before the deadline.
I understand that our events are sometimes reunions for friends who have not seen each other for awhile and that is a great thing, but please catch up while you are in-line or after you get done with logistics. The sooner everyone is through logistics, the sooner we can start.
Thank you,
The pre-reg deadline for this event is Mon 9/22/08 at midnight. At the door pricing will be required if a COMPLETE pre-reg is not submitted. Please check our policies if you do not know what that entitles.
Logistics for this event will be from 6pm-8pm. This is a change from normal so please be prepared. Also, please try to arrive at logistics as early as possible. We are striving for earlier start times but this cannot be accomplished when everyone shows up at logistics just before the deadline.
I understand that our events are sometimes reunions for friends who have not seen each other for awhile and that is a great thing, but please catch up while you are in-line or after you get done with logistics. The sooner everyone is through logistics, the sooner we can start.
Thank you,