Services while I'm in the Area


As I expect to remain within the area through the end of the third month, I expect I may be able to travel from the library where I study from time to time, expecially if there is a marketday, so I may as well introduce myself and offer my services to many of the fine people I met at the banquet this month.

I have found that at many times people wish to reserve a small portion of my spell alotment for their own safety and comfort. Please note I only offer reservation on a fraction of my spell list as to ensure that I am capable to fully participate in other endeavors throughout the day any spell so reserved is held in my memory until the terms you set for its casting come to past, either by direct command, or a pre-set circumstance (such as life me should I fall in battle, release me should I be confined)

Also if you would like to have a bit of extra healing/assistance on any of your plans for this upcoming market day, or would like to retain services for auctioneering or loot division I am also accepting such current requests, for general exploration, I am content with a fair share of spoils found, and offer my services at such divisions free of charge when I am involved.

Spells available/prices, any spells purchased will be used only under your direction (either standing orders such as 'If I fall/need it' or explicit request)

Life Spells - 2, 2 Gold a piece
Purify - 1, - 4 Silvers a piece
Spell Shield - 2, - 2 Silvers a piece
Cure Critical wounds - 2, 2 Silvers a piece
Earth Blade - 1 - 3 Silvers

Please note once again any spells I hold that are unreserved will be used during the day as needed to assist with others, reserving a spell simply ensures it remains solely for your benefit or use by your direction, spell reservations will be kept confidential on request. Often this service has been retained in the past by nobles or knights wishing to ensure their charge or servants could travel/adventure in safety.

As i am fairly new to this area, these are the only spells currently I will be willing to withhold, in the future I may be offering larger and more robust options but as always I need to reserve a strong portion of my abilities for other employment throughout the day.

Other Services

Auctioning/Loot Distribution - 2 Silvers or Free if I am involved in the matter (such as having been present or employeed when it was collected) This includes record keeping of those in attendance and of all items turned in, this does not included identification services unless they are potions or ritual scrolls of a general or earth nature.

Ritual Casting - Having continued my studies to a level I consider reasonable, I am now offering my assistance in ritual casting, either as primary or secondary invoker, spellcrafting is also available, although I do not have any scrolls in these lands myself I am able to invoke the magics should you have one, rates for this service are negotiable, please contact me if interested.

Contracted Services
Retainer - Varies on length and coverage, the most popular option is a simple retainer for services should you be accused of any crime, currently offered for 10 gold for a period lasting through the end of next year as a new to town special. Retainment for other services such as delivering summons, research/answering questions, or even prosecuting are available, please speak with me about such. Also note that basic legal advice is included in the standard above retainer. Please note in the lands of Valdanis I can not offer any assurance that I will be permit to argue on your behalf as that is up to the noble sitting in judgement, but I will act will all dilligence to assist in any such matter.

Land Purchasing/Contract Work - Is available and runs as little as 5 silvers to as much as 2 gold depending on the length of the contract, and the issues involved. All such contracts will be properly marked with wax and proper signatures will be obtained to ensure their validity in the lands.

If there is any other service I can provide, please let me know privately and we can discuss if the matter is indeed something I can provide for, and a fair wage for doing so.

I look forward to meeting so many of the brave craftsman, nobles, knights and adventurers of Valdanis.

Barrister Enan Bluewater