shadow count ko


I would like to know what you all know about this. I was asked to look into missing peoples. I tracked what I believe is people fleeing from something. When I got a a couple recently abandoned buildings I fought and dissipated shadow count ko with the help of the moonless nights.

Thank you
The brotherhood

Let us know if you encounter anymore of these shadowy dust creatures that seem to be mimicking others. See if we can't find a way to communicate or study it more. To understand motives and such.

I'm not certain if it's related, but looking back on my notes Ignatius from wayside had been studying a shadow beast someone encountered beneath the capital of thorncryf. He called it a Monku and I will reach out to him to see if he can post what he knows from his studies as a monster Hunter.
Ardos Irani
Selunari defender
Thanks you ardos. I will see him in a few weeks and also talk with him
