Share photos of John as Duke Bryan please

James Trotta

Diversity Committee
I'm working with Ben on a piece for the Ashbury Tavern and possibly a memorial page in the new rulebook. It will be a Duke Bryan portrait since they have those portraits of nobles in the tavern. However, the only pic I have is one of Duke bryan with a chainmail helm on (it's in the book actually) and that probably isn't the best photo for the artist to be working from. If you have more please post em or email em to
Thanks to a very awesome person name Renee, we found 2 pictures that show Duke Bryan's feathers. They appear to be red and balck although it could possibly be dark green or dark blue. Can someone who played with Duke Bryan confirm red and black as his eyebrow colors?

It's not too late to send me more pics of Bryan, but it soon will be...