Share your tales, and I share my coin!


Chicago Staff
Good people of Fairfax,

It is I, Elando Neswalt, famed hobbling bard of Fairfax. Why, haven't heard of me you say? That will change! The records of the saviors of Westhaven will not go unknown for future generations, no no no! Thus, I am compiling a history of the last year of events experienced in these lands, and in your former home of Thuddington. I wish to give valuable history to those coming into these lands, and for future generations.

However I need your help good people and adventurers! While the information will be public, please feel free to not share national secrets, or anything that may give your enemies an edge.

Should you have tales of heroic deeds, of peace deals, of banishing ghost and powerful monsters then please send a pigeon to my residence here in Westhaven. I'll compile the events and recite them throughout the land so all can understand the greatness you folks have done over the last year.

Of course, you share be hansomely compensated for your tales. The more detail, the richer the story, the grittier the deed the more your story will be worth. I'm thinking of compiling everything by the 1st of the New Year.

So share your tales, and I shall share my fortunes, which you don't see everyday from my kind! I kid I kid, my kind are always generous!

- Elando Neswalt
35 days without a single tale. Guess nothing goes on in Terna. Maybe I'll have better luck going to the Guilds and asking for uninteresting events that happened last year. It won't make for a good story, but I may be able to add some epic details into it. I"m sure they'll take my coin willingly,

-Elando Neswalt