Shield material recommendations


I have been trying to determine what material to build a shield with for my first time around. I want something that will create as little trouble as possible both when creating it and using it. Right now I'm just thinking some plywood with some foam on top. Originally I was thought of doing a shield with only foam like this but was worried it might not hold up. So, please share your views about whatever materials you have worked with and your experience with them I would really appreciate it.
Hey Nathan,

I have been using a shield for over 12 years and am personally a huge fan of all-foam shields. They are light, cheap and easy to make. JP and I both make ours out of Corning R-10 2" thickness insulation paneling. For improved strength we use two pieces of paneling with the grains going in alternate directions. We then cut a piece of blade foam in half cross sectionally to create a padded lining around the edges of the shield. Because it is foam it is very easy to shape and secondarily it is easy to cut a couple of slots through the middle to run leather straps through to create arm holds (goodwill belts work great). When we first started doing this we finished them up with layer of duct tape, but with a bit of fabric and a sewing machine it is easy to make a clothe cover which you can then paint designs on.

I will be at the upcoming event if you want to check mine out (it lives in Seattle right now). I also have my old one in the garage if it would be helpful to see a picture.

As for strength, it has gone through some pretty impressive fights and I spend my fair share on the front I can honestly say....the only way you are going to break it is if you roll down a hill, hit a tree and break your fall on it in a full rig (I did this - which is why my old one is now retired)

Hope that helps!

Holly (Aka Slice)
Oregon MC has been using the same foam shields for 5+ years now. Only 1 has broken down past repair level.
The wall board insulation foam that Holly/Slice states works really well and is very inexpensive.
Kade, if you wish, you may take a look at my shield. It has the same construction as Holly's from what I can tell from this thread. It is Pink Panther wall insulation covered with pipe insulation on the edges and then a fabric shield cover over the top.

Will you be attending the Seattle three-day game in April?
Thank you all for the replays, I will be attending the three day game, but I don't think I'll need to see your shield. In fact I already bought some of the insulation and got it all cut out. Though, I don't know what I should use to adhere the two pieces of foam together what have you all used before? Also, would there be a way to attach an actual handle for my hand to grab on to instead of just a strap? I'd prefer to grip something a bit more solid.
(By the way Rick, it's Nathan.)
I usually do two or three strips of duct tape crossing from one panel to the other before putting on the blade foam rim. This will hold the pieces together without problem. I do not recommend using sray adhesive or glue as many of these actually cause some breakdown to the foam, causing it to break easier. Following this you will strap the blade foam rim on the same way (1-2ft strips of tape), but do this gentler, because if you pull the tape to tight you will cause visual dimpling in the edges of your shield.

As for a handle, you can by a cabinet or gate handle from a home depot, lowes, etc. You just want to make sure to buy the right sized screws to go through the foam. Long enough to go all the way through both layers for foam, but not so long that you end up catching your garb or knuckles on them.
This is exactly what I use for the handle on my shield: ... /203296702

I covered it with duct tape to hold it down on the edges then I drilled four holes through it and the shield in the corners. I ran long zip ties through the holes around the front of the shield and clamped 'em down. I then covered the entire thing with another layer of duct tape and it hasn't moved in the slightest.