Shields and spells


So I tried to look this up in the book and couldn't find it. So I ask the mighty forum peeps for the answer!
If I am a caster who carries a shield can I have readied packets in the shield hand (left) and still use the shield? I would be throwing them with my right hand after sheathing/dropping my weapon. Can I attach packets to the inside of my shield for convenience?

If I can't do those things any shielded casters have advice?
Yes. Spell packets do not count as items and may be carried in the shield hand without interfering with using the shield.

You can attach near-anything to your shield, just be aware that game items will be affected by a shatter or destroy if the shield itself is shattered or destroyed.
Be prepared to drop those packets if you get disarmed, too. Unless you can slide your cauliflower-hand through the handle/loop on the shield. :)
jpariury said:
You can attach near-anything to your shield, just be aware that game items will be affected by a shatter or destroy if the shield itself is shattered or destroyed.
This is no longer true under the current edtion of the rules. Shattering an item doesn't chain to anything attached/inside/etc of the item. Traps that destroy things will though, because it targets everything in the radius independantly. If your shield does get shattered, everything attached will drop to the ground though.
As a shielded caster, I'd advise this:
Have a few packets secreted about your person, a couple in hand, a pouch with some, and a few in loops on the shield.

I keep at least 5 hidden in my clothing, have a handful in hand, a pouch at my left (shield-side) hip, and keep some in a holder of some sort on my shield.

As Bond said, be prepared to drop your shield-hand packets if you have a cauliflower hand, which is why I don't recommend double digit numbers of packets in a single hand.

Remember, there are also rules (also is a rule?) about how many packets you can display in your hand, so if you only have 3 spell slots, you can't even bluff a "cauliflower hand".

In service,
Thanks for the tip. I will definitely do that. I have more spells than I can hold packets so I can have a good cauliflower. I usually only have three to six in my hand at any given time anyways. Most of my spells are heals and buffs. I keep a packet in each pocket and a pouch full on my hip. The added space on the shield will be nice.
I also highly recommend having somewhere to put your weapon that isnt under your arm. Once I made a sheath for my weapons, it became a lot easier to manage switching from "shieldwall stance" to "shielded caster stance" :)

Thanks for your help, as well...

You made me realize that my treatise on shield fighting only covers the melee aspects, and that my writing does not even acknowledge the subject of magic users fighting in a line as well.

A lack of acknowledgement I'll have to remedy ;)

In service,
I honestly don't recommend more than 3 packets in the shield hand. Generally, as a shielded caster, if you need to throw more than that, you better have friends with you anyway.

Having played a shielded caster twice now, both as a scholar that sunk the build in, and now as a templar, I can honestly say I've found that to work best. Keep some extra packets in easily accessed locations and you're good to go. Get fast at the templar tuck or get a good, stiff, loose frog.
Sarah said:
get a good, stiff, loose frog.





Wait, what?

Like that? How's that little guy supposed to hold a hammer or sword?
heh thanks for the laughs... with the different suggestions given here on the board and see what works best for you... you may find that you only want a tiny handful in your shield hand...or that you prefer the whole massive cauliflower...

Another tip that I did once, and have done my best to remember since is to take a packet and tie it to a leather thong around my neck so the packet hangs over my chest. Did this alot in international games where I had alot of self buff items, and had a small earth shrub. Saved me some time, and panic since the packet thieves were rich and competent in that game.