Andrew Nelson
Hello everyone! At the very end of the short gathering yesterday I was visited by one of the order-time elementals who gave me 5 ritual scrolls as a thank you for our help and tasked me with auctioning them before the August gather. I will send a separate dreaming for each of the 5 scrolls.
The terms the elemental wanted for the auction were fairly clear and I'm pretty sure the order elemental is going to be a stickler for specifics, here are the rules for the auctions.
1. ONLY those present at the gather may bid. I have a list of everyone who was present at the gather. If someone not on that list tried to bid, it will be ignored.
2. Bids will be accepted in gold (no up bidding by copper here folks).
3. Please state your bid and your name and that is it in your response to the dreaming. Any other comments should be ignored and excessive conversations in those dreamings will result in you be unable to bid further.
4. The auctions will be closing on August 29th, the Wednesday before our next gathering at 8:00 pm. If you are the winner of the auction please deliver me the bid amount and I will deliver you your scroll at the August gathering. If the winner of the bid is not present at the gathering, and does not either arrange for payment to be made or contact me before the gather, I will go to the 2nd place bid, etc.
5. Any new bid placed within half an hour of the auction closing will increase the remaining time of the auction. No auction will end before half an hour after the final bid has been cast.
Any questions feel free to as them here.
The terms the elemental wanted for the auction were fairly clear and I'm pretty sure the order elemental is going to be a stickler for specifics, here are the rules for the auctions.
1. ONLY those present at the gather may bid. I have a list of everyone who was present at the gather. If someone not on that list tried to bid, it will be ignored.
2. Bids will be accepted in gold (no up bidding by copper here folks).
3. Please state your bid and your name and that is it in your response to the dreaming. Any other comments should be ignored and excessive conversations in those dreamings will result in you be unable to bid further.
4. The auctions will be closing on August 29th, the Wednesday before our next gathering at 8:00 pm. If you are the winner of the auction please deliver me the bid amount and I will deliver you your scroll at the August gathering. If the winner of the bid is not present at the gathering, and does not either arrange for payment to be made or contact me before the gather, I will go to the 2nd place bid, etc.
5. Any new bid placed within half an hour of the auction closing will increase the remaining time of the auction. No auction will end before half an hour after the final bid has been cast.
Any questions feel free to as them here.
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