Short-Lived Magic Thing, and Other Things, for Sale!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hi there Gaden adventurers! It's Silp!

So, I have a magic item that's gonna be expirin' on the fifth day of May, which is before the next time I'll be at a gatherin' of the adventurers again, and Ark told me that you are gonna be gatherin' in a few days, so I figured I'd see if someone over there in Gaden wanted it!

It's a wide, chevron-shaped necklace, and it's capable of castin' a Web spell 3 times per day! Havin' 3 Webs is super handy, and I'm sad to have this item be expirin' soon, but oh well! Anyway, since it'll only last for one more gatherin' of Gaden adventurers, I'm sellin' it for only 2 gold! Let me know here if you want it and I can have someone deliver it to you and have them collect payment for me, since I'm sorta busy in Wayside and won't be meetin' with you myself!

I figure that since I have someone that might be deliverin' stuff and collectin' coin for me, I might as well offer the other stuff I have that I don't want! So, here's a list of stuff I have and what I'd ideally like to sell them for, if you were interested!

- 280 Arrows (20 copper per 20 arrows)
- 240 Bolts (20 copper per 20 bolts)
- 1 Flame Bolt-size suit of Armor (70 copper)
- 1 Lightning Bolt-size suit of Armor (25 copper)
- 1 Full Celestial Spellbook (7 gold)
- 1 Dagger (10 copper)
- 1 Silver Short Sword (2 gold each)
- 1 Silver Long Sword (2 gold each)
- 5 Silver Two-Handed Swords (2 gold each)
- 2 Long Bows (15 copper each)
- 1 Light Crossbow (15 copper)
- 1 Long Mace (25 copper)
- 3 Release Potions (30 copper each)
- 2 Alchemical Solvents (10 copper each)
- 1 Serious Vorpal Coating (25 copper)
- 2 Endow Potions (5 copper each)
- 2 Cure Light Damage Elixirs (5 copper each)
- 3 Cure Wounds Potions (15 copper each)

So yeah, let me know if you want any of those things, and I'll be sure to have them delivered to you at the end of the week!

Hopefully things are goin' good over in Gaden! Things are a little problematic in Wayside, but I'm sure we'll end up happy in the end!

~ Silp
- 2 Long Bows (15 copper each)
- 1 Light Crossbow (15 copper)
- 1 Long Mace (25 copper)
- 2 Cure Light Damage Elixirs (5 copper each)

Silp, I'll buy the above. Who should I deliver the 6 silver payment to?

- Lord Asher Oakheart
I will purchase:

- 280 Arrows (20 copper per 20 arrows)
- 240 Bolts (20 copper per 20 bolts)
- 1 Flame Bolt-size suit of Armor (70 copper)
- 1 Lightning Bolt-size suit of Armor (25 copper)
- 1 Full Celestial Spellbook (7 gold)
- 1 Dagger (10 copper)
- 3 Release Potions (30 copper each)
- 2 Alchemical Solvents (10 copper each)
- 1 Serious Vorpal Coating (25 copper)
- 2 Endow Potions (5 copper each)
- 3 Cure Wounds Potions (15 copper each)
- And the magic item you are selling

Oliver Olwen Oleander
Thanks Lord Asher and Oliver! I'll figure out the delivery and let you know!

Well, it looks like the only things I have left are all these different silvered swords and I can honestly say I have no intention of ever usin' them, so let me know if you're interested in any of those and I'll send them along! Since it costs 1.9 gold to make a silvered short sword, 1.95 gold to make a silvered long sword, and 2.1 gold to make a silvered two-handed sword, I think sellin' them for 2 gold each is actually a pretty reasonable deal!

~ Silp