Short Town Meeting


Colorado Staff
I would like to call on you folk who are attending this next market day to come to a short town meeting at the beginning of the market day. I have a few words to say. This will occur outside the front of the tavern. Please be there.

(OOG: Shortly after game on I have a few words to say)

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
Guardian of Hopes Reach
Both you and Dhurdiel have called a meeting. Are they the same meeting?

Hunter Davion
They are not.

Adventurers, I ask that you respect the Guardians and attend this meeting that has been called, I will not upstage it with my own. I will call those skilled in the scholarly arts and those interested in formal magicks following this meeting from the Guardians.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel