Should HQ Marshals wear colored armbands to identify them?

Would you like to see HQ Marshals wear colored armbands to identify them?

  • Yes, that would be very helpful!

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • I don't really care either way

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • No, that's a dumb idea

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters

Robb G

I've personally wanted to advocate a "marshal arm-band" program for several years now... where each marshal is given an armband of a specific color type that they have to wear regardless of PCing or NPCing. This armband would be considered OOG, but you'd have to wear them even if they do or do not match your costume...

It would work like this. Logistics would hold onto the arm bands. We would get a list together of what players are what type of marshal. When that player checks in, we ask if they would like to marshal this event. if they say yes, they get an armband and gobbies. if they say no, they do not. if they say no all the time, we address it with them and the GM to find out why it is they want to be a marshal when they don't ever marshal anything.

I just wonder if marshals would be ok with it. I personally think it would help players out tremendously.

Suggested Colors:
Red - Ritual
Yellow - Rules
Green - Weapon
Blue - EMT

if you don't like the idea, let me know why not. This is just an idea and I'd like to know if any one else thinks it's a good one before i start advocating it to the higher ups. thoughts?
I voted "YES", maybe this arm band can be worn around a belt to help clash less with a costume.
I think it would be helpful to identify who can do what, especially if you don't know the person by name. Only issue I could see is someone who has multiple marshal types having a rainbow arm. :)
I feel that at least there should be something to recognize that a person is a marshal. The colored armbands are a nice added bonus, providing that a person knows what each color symbolizes.
Gwendara said:
I think it would be helpful to identify who can do what, especially if you don't know the person by name. Only issue I could see is someone who has multiple marshal types having a rainbow arm. :)

the way our marshal hierarchy works at HQ that can't happen.

you must be a weapon marshal to be a rules marshal. you must be a rules marshal to be a ritual marshal. therefor, a ritual marshal would only every wear a red one (unless they were EMT). and it's not like we couldn't change it so that if people though EMT was too much, we don't have to include it.

as far as informing players about what the armbands mean.... yeah... this need to be a priority if it were adopted.. quite frankly there really needs to be alot more communication between staff and players (and staff and staff) in general. I'd like to see some of that happen with ideas like this, or others, and obviously when we get the new web site up.
As one of HQ's full marshals (weapon, rules, rit) I don't care either way. It might be good to have a visual identifyer, but I dont think its strickly nessesary. I think better communication verbaly with players is a better aprotch, but I wouldnt say "no" to this idea either.
dreadpiratebill said:
As one of HQ's full marshals (weapon, rules, rit) I don't care either way. It might be good to have a visual identifyer, but I dont think its strickly nessesary. I think better communication verbaly with players is a better aprotch, but I wouldnt say "no" to this idea either.

in what way verbally though? the other chapters i have spoken with still have "opening ceremonies" to cover event plot effects, and point out marshals. OC at HQ died years ago.
At one point not too long ago marshals were given small shield pins. Most who were given them still wear them, and there aren't too many marshals that don't have one.

Problem is that we need more marshals!
Beena marshal in hq for 2 years and never got a fancy pin :(

But to answer your question, a return of quick OOG opening cerimonies might not be a bad idea. Covers marshals, emt's, plot effects, and lets people know beyond a shadow of a doubt when Game On is.

We still do it in CT, works out pritty well.
in theory, i agree... in practice though... if the majority of our player base doesn't arrive until 9-10pm (assuming traffic is good)... would opening ceremonies be at 11pm? and if so, is no one then allowed to be IG until then (i forget how it used to work)?
i have ehard about the shiled pins before... but the problem i see with that is:

1) you need alot of the same kind of pin to make sure people know what they are looking at
2) as bill pointed out, we haven't done it in ages
3) i personally prefer the arm band because it could be easily ditinguished as OOG (like a white headband is) rather than a magic item or something
Two quick problems come to mind, though they are problems with implementation, not with the idea in general.

1) I can only speak for my own arms, but I know that when I wear armbands, they very quickly become wristbands (last event was a perfect example of this). I can see armbands getting easily dislodged or lost in combat.

2) NPCs that are doing a lot of quick costume changes may have a lot more difficulty always remembering to put the armband on or avoiding losing it during a quick change. I know my white headband gets lost a lot in monster camp.
