Resolved Sigil of Foundation and Slay

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Looking for clarification of Sigil of Foundation and Slay in relation to damage calculation.

All references taken from 2.1 rulebook

Sigil of foundation adds 1/2 of your slay (or assassinate but less relevent for this question) damage to an Evocation bolt.
Slay damage is variable based on weapon you are wielding and improved slay (ignored for this question as its interaction is known).
How is "wielding" defined in this context? I do not see any reference in the rule book clarifying what this means. Applicable sections of the rulebook for 2 handed weapons and casting spells make use of "use", "utilizing" and "free" but do not appear to directly reference one another.

It seems rules as written you could cast an Evocation bolt while holding a long sword in one hand and a packet in the other. However for this purpose would the long sword count as being "wielded" for the purpose of Sigil of Foundation? If so how does this interaction apply to holding a two-handed sword or crossbow in one hand and a packet in the other (explicit rules statements appear to cover "attacking" and "blocking" hand requirements but not "wielding".

My understanding of the spirit of the rules would be that this does not work whatsoever as that would open the argument that an individual with slay, florentine/two weapons, could have a long sword (base damage 2) and a dagger (base damage 1) and perform a slay with the dagger as if with a base damage of 2.
The Slay damage can be calculated using any weapon on your person that you have the skill to use.

Sigil of Foundation text will be updated to reflect this clarification.
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