Skain Noble Examinations Alleged Corruption


Chicago Staff
As directed by Viscount William Cecil of Rosen, I have been investigating noble corruption across the Queendom. The Viscount has tasked me, and a few others who can name themselves if they see fit, to expose nobles who inappropriately enrich themselves at the expense of the people. Lady Morleth can attest to our progress in rooting out malfeasance in her own lands.

I have investigations and connections within every duchy, but recent revelations have led me to alleged corruption in the heart of Duke Alice Desmond's duchy, Skain. Since the inception of Skain, the nobles of that land established themselves as leaders by combining the strength of their mind with the expanse of their holdings. To prove themselves worthy, all nobles take semi-regular proficiency examinationss to establish and maintain their rights to Courtly position. Skain has always touted itself as the most clever and productive of the Duchies, and their "exam" for nobility was a testament to this pursuit. This practice continued apace for generations, but has fallen into disrepair and disease recently.

Allegations have come to the attention of the Crown that these Examinations have become hopelessly corrupted within the last two decades. Oversight, analysis, rigor, and even the simplest of honest book-keeping measures have become a mockery as well-heeled members of the aristocracy pay their "entrance fee" into Duke Alice's court. This conduct is an open secret in the duchy and has been tacitly accepted as standard practice, but many are too frightened to come forward as threats of reprisal is also an accepted practice. While there has always been a seedy undercurrent in the Skainish drive for success and progress, these recent revelations speak to a profound uptick in corruption and a brazen disregard for cultural or ethical norms.

To be clear, Duke Alice Desmond may conduct their court as they see fit. The Crown has interceded in the affairs of the duchies only in extreme cases. Rosen allows the dukes to conduct their business and their lands as they see fit. The Crown will only step into local politics if it is shown the conduct is in breach of: Gavarian law; personal oaths of loyalty to the Crown; tithing or tax obligations; or if the conduct places the land in danger. Each Duke holds their own court, but it is the Queen's wish that their conduct be open and understood by her subjects. The Queen wishes her people to see how the members of her court comport themselves.

The annual round of Skain Noble Exams is approaching this coming Market and will be conducted Saturday afternoon. I, and a few others, will reviewing both the participating nobles and the exam itself to ensure it is being conducted according to the standards set down in Skainish law. The examiners and examinees should be attending at intervals over the market. I implore any Atupali with knowledge of misconduct or misbehaviour by Skainish noble to inform me for inclusion in my report. I and the Crown will reward your service to the Country.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Tomekeeper, Vicomte Rosen
Weaver of Five Bridges
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
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